When the othersmentioned a monster that has been banned from entering the Ebony Kingdom, I pictured one so terrifying and grotesque that I’ll be shaking in my boots.

What I didn’t imagine is…Uni.

Uni, who’s currently sporting one blue arm thanks to his portal travel with Creep.

Uni, who’s stroking the hair of one of his dolls, muttering about “promiscuous sluts” under his breath.

Uni, who doesn’t seem to be listening to the stone-faced Devourer as the huge wolf man attempts to tell him his plan while the sun dips down behind the hills.

Creep sits beside me on a fallen tree branch—courtesy of Tesq—and his tentacle circles around my ankle teasingly. Well, technically Uni’s tentacle, but it belongs to Creep for the time being. Swapsies and all that.

The gray is a startling contrast to his blue skin, and the appendage is nearly the length of his body. Suction cups restat the bottom, and he uses them to apply the slightest bit of pressure to my suddenly overheated skin. A flush works its way up my neck instinctively as Creep continues to torture me with that tentacle of his.

I force myself to focus on Uni and the others once more.

“It’s simple,” Em snaps at the water monster in his lilting accent. A scowl mars his handsome face as he folds his arms over his chest. “We need you to take to the water with your little water friends?—”

Uni casts Em a withering glare. “The dolphins arenotmy friends. Prickly little bastards.” He mutters that last statement under his breath as he resumes stroking his doll’s hair.

Dev attempts to take over the conversation, though his voice is hard and grating, more of a bark than anything soothing. “We need you to spy on Barnabas. Gather information and bring it back here.”

“He won’t expect you to be back, so he won’t be keeping an eye on the water,” Creep adds.

The tentacle snakes upward from my ankle, suction cups kissing at my kneecap, tantalizing my thighs, before brushing against my crotch through my pants, and it takes everything I have not to screech and buck my hips. A flood of arousal cascades through me, as inappropriate as the timing is. I have to grit my teeth and pant shallowly through them as I try to maintain focus on the conversation and ignore Creep’s naughty, knowing grin.

Uni ignores the others and continues to tenderly alternate his attention between his two dolls.

An idea begins to form.

Clearing my throat, I wait for Uni to turn towards me. “Their names are Brittany and Sherry, right?” I ask, recalling the first thing Uni said to us when he stepped out of the portal with Creep.

“Sherry, Brittany, meet your uncles! No…you cannot call any of them Daddy. Sherry, it’s inappropriate to ask the Devourer to ‘wreck your porcelain body.’ We talked about this. No, Brittany, you can’t ask the Grotesque if his tongue is stone too and if he’s willing to ‘rock’ your world, pun intended.”

Uni frowns at me, and then that frown turns into a scowl when he turns towards his dolls.

“She doesn’t look like a whore, Sherry. Don’t be crass. Maybe she’s a little slutty, but a whore is too crude of a term.” He tsks at the doll disapprovingly as I try not to squirm.

Dev growls threateningly at the water monster, his eyes glowing red, and I know it’s because Uni implied I was a slut.

I throw my mates a warning look before turning back to Uni. “We need your help. I don’t think you understand what Barnabas will do if he becomes leader.” I don’t know for certain myself, but I can imagine, at least based on my mates’ descriptions of him. I allow myself to laugh—the noise dry and bitter. “Do you really think he’ll allow your…girls to live? He’s not just a monster but a psychopath. He’ll kill Sherry and Brittany just to getyouunder his thumb.”

Uni gapes at me in horror before dropping his gaze back to his dolls. His borrowed blue arm reaches out and curves protectively around them, and the tentacles near his face flare in distress. “No…”

“You know it’s true. The others told me you used to live in Ebony Kingdom. You must remember Barnabas and his evil ways. Do you really think he’ll allow Sherry and Brittany to live? They’re not monsters”—at least, I don’t think so, but what the hell do I know?—“and they’re defenseless. If you help us, I promise you we’ll help your girls in return. We’ll protect them.”

Uni’s eyes are impossibly wide in his slimy, gray face.

“You promise me you’ll take care of them, even if something happens to me?” he asks seriously, his grip tightening around the dolls nearly imperceptibly.

“Cross my heart and hope not to die,” Creep responds, his tentacle once again brushing against my most sensitive area.

I squirm, grateful for the fact that shadows are now draped over all of us and his actions are—hopefully, maybe, probably—hidden from view.

“Now, Dev, Tesq, and Em are more than happy to continue negotiations with you. I have somewhere to be with my pretty, little mate,” Creep declares.