Tesq scowls. “Where will you be?”

In answer, Creep jumps up, grabs my waist, and then flings me over his shoulder. I wiggle instinctively, but Creep’s tentacle slams down on my ass before I can actually attempt an escape.

Not that I want to.

“Oh, I’m just trying out a new toy I got.” I can hear the smile in Creep’s voice.

“New toy?” Dev sounds confused.

“You mean the tentacle?” Em asks dryly from his spot on a nearby stump.

But Creep merely laughs and carries me away.

Yes, please.



I’m notsure where I thought Creep would take me, to a clearing maybe, or down the road to an abandoned building. I definitely didn’t expect him to walk me through the forest to the visitor parking lot.

He stops short for a second, and I pull myself up, twisting to see what he’s looking at.

“The tracker,” he breathes, and I spot the antennaed bastard who’s been following us.

Only, right at this second, he’s face down in a puddle. Creep walks over and roughly kicks the monster, rolling him onto his back. The tracker’s eyes are glazed with frost, and the front of his shirt is soaked with a combination of water and blood. There’s a massive hole in his stomach.

“Dead,” I whisper.

“Thank fuck,” Creep responds. “You use your powers while I was gone and freeze the son of a bitch?”.

I shake my head.

“Well, all's well that ends with my cock in your pussy.” He immediately reverts to his cheerful self as he rounds the body and smacks my ass.

He carries me across the visitor parking lot to the other side, where a handful of cars are parked. Then he slams me down from his shoulder onto the hood of a rusted-out green Dodge Challenger.

My ass lands with a bruising thump, and my hands end up braced on the windshield. Pain as bright as the emerging moonlight shoots through my nervous system.

I’m about to bitch Creep out for rough manhandling when he leans forward over me, his eyes practically aglow with lust, and whispers, “I’m going to shove this tentacle inside of you and suction your G-spot from the inside while my mouth sucks that clit. I’m going to wring sounds from your body that you didn’t even know you were capable of making.”

Well. Fuck.

I press my lips together and swallow my anger because I’m signing right up for that. A black and blue ass seems like a small price to pay for what promises to be the orgasm of the century.

Of course, because it’s Creep, I cock a brow and muster all the challenging sarcasm I can manage while my body is practically thrumming with lust. Pressing my hand against his chest, I can feel his racing heartbeat under my palm.

“That’s pretty big talk from a monster who can barely get one orgasm out of me.”

“One? Oh, we both know that’s a lie,” he purrs, using his tentacle to stroke down my body over my clothes.

I fight off a shiver as the appendage runs lightly down from my shoulder and over my chest. A suction cup teases my nipple, gripping and pulling lightly through my shirt before sliding farther down, planting what feels like gentle kisses across my abdomen.

Though our words are teasing, and though we’re both brimming with lust, there’s also an undercurrent of something more as he stares at me. Something that tangles in my stomach and makes me bite my lip as I blink up at him.

Creep leans over me, his antlers lined with silvery moonlight, the tiny blue flowers on them opening up, as if they bloom based on his emotions. I feel the weight of his gaze as if it’s a physical thing while his claw slowly taps my boot.

“Undress for me,” he breathes.