
I clasp my hands behind my back and move towards the window looking down into the yard far below. The grass has begun to wither and die, the color more brown than green, and the trees that once dotted the lawn are now twisted in such a way that they crash through the building’s windows. It’s chaos and beauty in its simplest form.

Otherwise known as perfection.

Sometimes, I wonder what this place would look like full of prisoners.Myprisoners.

Crying, screaming, and begging for scraps of food I refuse to give them.

How long can a monster survive without sustenance?


Something to ponder…

“Sir.” Tennious waits until I turn around to gesture towards the disheveled monster at his side. “Mishika.”

The pink, tentacled monster whimpers under the force of my glare, and I take great satisfaction in that. Briefly, I note the blackened state of half her chest, but her injuries are of little consequence.

Tennious moves to stand at my side, a silent sentry, while I keep my focus on the female before me. She lowers her head subserviently, the way she knows I like, and I step forward to run my hand across her sharp jawline.

“Mishika.” I tsk my tongue in disapproval. “How could you have let this happen?”

“Sir.” Her voice trembles in a way that sends lust straight to my cock. “It was an ambush by the Terrors. We were unprepared and?—”

I backhand her across the face with enough force to send her toppling to the ground. A pained whine escapes her.

“You used all of my least favorite words in one sentence,” I comment indolently, rubbing my nails on my jacket. “Ambush. Terrors. Unprepared.” I crouch before her, watching in grim satisfaction as she attempts to crawl away, before yanking at her pink hair.

She screams as I tug her backwards until she’s flush against my chest.

“You and your crew had one job to do—figure out how to kill the Empty Man.”

“Y-you can’t kill him. You can’t kill any of them!” Her tears fall on my hand, which I’ve moved to curl around her throat.

Such a delicate, tiny thing…

One snap, and poof. She’ll be gone forever. Forgotten.

I tighten my grip, cutting off her airways, and she whimpers.

“No creature is invincible, my dear Mishika, least of all my idiot son and his friends.” With my free hand, I begin to stroke her sweaty hair, soothing her the way one would an animal or a pet.

Maybe that’s all she is—a pet.

My pet.

“Everyone has a weakness, Mishika,” I continue in a deceptively soothing voice. “A vulnerability. We just need to find theirs.”

My grip tightens.

“I know their weakness.” Her voice is a mere rasp, nearly inaudible, but I hear her words as if she shouted them. They cut through the air like the crack of a whip.

I release her, and she slumps forward, breathing heavily, tears streaming down her face.

“Well, why didn’t you lead with that, my dear friend?” I ask jovially, straightening from my crouched position and smoothing out my suit coat.

As I move towards Tennious, I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror.