Blond hair lying neatly combed around two antlers.

Bright golden scales rippling down both of my arms.

A similarly colored dragon tail that swishes when I walk.

This…Thisis what a leader is supposed to look like.

How can anyone even think to follow a monster as disgusting as the Grotesque? As savage as the Devourer? As lackadaisical as the Empty Man?

And as idiotic as the Creeper?

No, the monsters of this world need atrueleader, one who will finally wipe out the humans once and for all and return our world to its true glory.

A cold smile curls my lips as I move to claim the seat behind my desk. Tennious stands at my side, his eyes never straying from our…ahem…esteemed guest.

“The Terrors… They’re all in love with the same girl. A human girl.” Mishika rubs at her bruised throat as she stares up at me through glossy eyes.

She doesn’t stand, though, which is smart on her end. I can easily forget about her incompetence when she’s lying prostrate before me like a grateful servant eagerly awaiting her master’s cock.

“A human girl…” I scrub at my jawline as I mull over this information. It isn’t the first time one of my sources claimed that the Terrors have found their mate, but I haven’t believed it until now.

Who could possibly love those four?

And what monster would ever be foolish enough to risk his power for a thing as stupid as love?

“Yes.” Mishika shakily climbs to her knees, her head lowering to avoid eye contact. “Her name’s Aliana.”



Aliana isgorgeous when she falls apart. Don’t you agree?The Empty Man moans obscenely in my head.

Even though he tries to sound lighthearted and jesting—as I’m beginning to believe is his MO, especially where feelings are involved—I can hear the undercurrent of longing in his voice that he doesn’t even bother to hide. The unbridledneed,which I’m sure is a replica of my own.

Watching Aliana unravel with two of her Terrors caused a deep-seated ache to rise in my chest. It wasn’t jealousy, not really, though a part of me will always want to claim Aliana as solely mine.

It was…grief.

Grief that I’ll never get to hold her, kiss her, love her the way they were able to.

Grief that I was such a pompous asshole when it was just the two of us, a fool whose idea of romance was pulling on her pigtails.

Grief that I’ll never be her mate.

Grief that I’ll never behers.

And while Em is surprisingly optimistic for the future, I’ve been sinking deeper and deeper into my own pit of despair.

How long will it be until Em no longer needs me?

Until he and the rest of the Terrors send me on my way?

Until Aliana decides she’s better off without me?

What can I provide her, after all? I’m only a human—and we’re not the predators of this world, but the prey.

I can’t even blame her for the way her position has changed. Who wouldn’t go from hating monsters to caring for them when you’re treated the way she’s been? Creep and Tesq adore her, pamper and pleasure her, and Dev will protect her fiercely with every ounce of power he’s got.