
As if that golden-tailed, suit-wearing monster could ever hold enough power to rule a land as vast as the Ebony Kingdom. He’s just a cum stain with a tiny cock who’s desperate for any sort of power—even the kind that comes from trickery and deception.

Barna-ass isn’t going to know what hit him when we inevitably attack.

And wewillattack.

I owe that fucker a few rounds in my own torture chamber. Repay him for the lovely facial reconstruction he gave my boy Chase.

Ha. Ha. Very funny,Chase quips dryly in my head.

I am hilarious, aren’t I? I make myself laugh daily.

The two of us have volunteered to secure our venue for the night—what humans once called a “movie theater,” at least according to a few brochures I found.

In all honesty, I wanted to take a little bit of time away from the others to finalize my plan. OperationWin Over Alianais well underway.

And I just found the final piece of the puzzle—chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.

I eagerly begin throwing the bars into a tub that reads POPCORN on the side in big block letters. I don’t even want to know what popcorn is. Is it a mixture of that human drink root beer and the yellow vegetable? I once “borrowed” a human’s body who seemed particularly attached to the fizzy drink.

Are you seriously not worried about Creep’s dad?Chase asks, sounding annoyed with me.

He’s not a threat, I assure my little human tagalong.Barna-ass is just like every other monster we've ever faced—a coward with little power, who hides behind other monsters. There’s a reason we’ve never fought him head-on before. Now…do you see any flowers?

Em…Chase growls.Why aren’t you taking this threat seriously?

Because it’s not a threat thatneedsto be taken seriously.

I don’t find any flowers, but Idofind a couple of straws covered in a strange, greenish-brown fur. Those could work for my bouquet, right?

I gather them all up, tie them together with a strip of paper I found, and then happily gather all of my goodies to bring back to my sweet mate.

Nervous anticipation skitters across my skin like a bunch of angry fire ants. I can’t say I particularly like this sensation.

When have I ever needed to work to get a girl to like me? Most monster females flock to me, entranced by my power and striking good looks (snort. I’m invisible. For all they know, I have six eyes, a microdick, and giant pores all over my face). Monsters constantly allow me to jump into their bodies and take them for a joyride.

I’ve been a seven-foot-tall female monster with claws as large as kitchen knives and boobs the size of Chase’s head. I’ve been a tiny green monster that would barely reach Aliana’s hip. I’ve had horns and fangs, pores and gills, striated fins and barbed tails.

I’ve sucked dicks, licked pussies, fucked asses and vaginas. It honestly doesn’t matter to me.

The moral of that story? I didn’t have totry.

And now, I’m attempting to woo one human female who hates the very ground I walk on. I don’t even blame her.

I’m not just doing all of this because she’s my mate—though I’ll admit, that’s what drew me to her in the first place.

I think I would’ve fallen in love with Aliana even if there wasn’t this mating bond between us.

She challenges me in a way I never knew I needed or even wanted. One look into her ice-blue eyes, and I know I need to be a better person, both for her and for myself.

I want to ask her about her day, learn her likes and dislikes, fight her enemies, kiss her goodnight, and cuddle with her in the morning. It’s sickeningly disgusting how badly I want her.

I never really thought I would fall in love. I’m a monster without a body, after all. I’m not even sure I technically have a heart. But I know I have a soul, and it yearns for Aliana in a way that surpasses logic or common sense.

She’s an angel sent to smite us all and drag us to hell. But if the price of her love means I’ll need to prostrate myself before her and pray for forgiveness, then I will.

Yet even loving her feels like the gravest sin of all.