What have I done for her, besides nearly killing her, nearly killing her a second time, and oh yeah, nearly killing her a third time?

Grumbling under my breath, I push all self-deprecating thoughts to the side and hurry back to the room I left Aliana in.

She’s sitting where I left her, in a tiny seat beside a sleeping Creeper. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the blue monster sleep before. He’s always been too wary to let his guard down around me, even before Aliana came into the picture.

But now, his chest rises and falls with slow, even breaths, and his features appear peaceful. The furrow between his brows has smoothed out, and I know we have Aliana to thank for that.

“Where are Grumpikins and Broodilicious?” I ask, noting that the Devourer and the Grotesque are no longer in the room.

Aliana places a finger to her lips, indicating for me to remain silent, and then slowly rises from her seat beside Creep. Almostimmediately, the horned monster cries out, though his eyes remain closed.

Aliana places a gentle hand on his bicep, and his thrashing instantly ceases, his breathing steadying.

She waits, ensuring he’ll remain asleep, before jerking her head towards the back of the room. I follow like a besotted puppy, not even caring how under her spell I truly am. I’ll do just about anything she asks of me.

The next room we enter is significantly smaller than the one we left. There’s a tiny window that looks out over the sea of seats—and a sleeping Creep—with a strange camera-contraption pointed in that direction. The room is cluttered with faded posters, tiny boxes that I know to be DVDs, and huge circles of…the thingy that goes inside of the camera thingy.

Film, Chase supplies with a tired sigh.Those are rolls of film.

And what is the camera for?

It plays the film on the screen out there.


I don’t even ask how Chase knows all of this. Some humans, I’ve come to figure out, know more about the before time than even the monsters who lived through it do. I imagine it serves as a source of nostalgia—to be able to remember a peaceful, happy time before monsters destroyed it for them.

My heart clenches at just the reminder, and I turn my attention to my mate.


“Dev and Tesq are discussing battle plans,” Aliana explains. “They’re in the room next door.”

“And?” I arch an eyebrow. “What have they decided?”

She scrubs both of her hands down her face with a tired sigh. “Nothing yet. But enough about that.” Her gaze dips to the bucket in my arms. “What’s that?”

I grin triumphantly, pleased she noticed.

“It’s a gift for you, m’lady.” I all but shove the bucket into her arms as I rock back on my heels, waiting with bated breath for her reaction.

Her brows crinkle in a way that shouldn’t be as adorable as it is. A tiny frown touches her lips.


A frown?

What the fuck?

Aren’t women supposed to be happy when given gifts?!

Fear roils in my gut and pricks my fingertips. I suddenly want to grab the bucket back and awkwardly say, “Just kidding! Hehehe!”

What did you expect?Chase sounds amused…and a little annoyed. It’s a combination I imagine only Pretty Boy here can pull off, the arrogant prick.You gave her chocolate bars covered in mold and maggots and a bouquet of fungus straws.

And that’s…bad?I query.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.