“Now, go alert…” I cock my head to the side… “I really don’t know what people do in these situations. But you should probably let Taylor know. I’m going to stalk Bar from a distance.”

I don’t wait for an answer but follow Bar around the house, up to the nest, and down again. I don’t dare cross the threshold. He’s relentless, restless, and there’s something else, an underlying current of rage and terror.

“I’m going to need some information.” I snap at Jet, who appears beside me almost an hour later.

“He’s in heat-“

“Don’t be deliberately obtuse, Jet. Why is he almost homicidal?”

“Ah.” Jet swallows hard. “The last time he had his heat was when he was attacked, and Gold almost died.”

I curse violently and vigorously under my breath. “Can you call the other alphas here?”

Jet raises his eyebrows. “I called them. They should be here in a minute. We were waiting for Taylor. He was out on a hike.” I monitor Jet as he paces the length of the glass doors and windows. His anxiety is new. The quiet murmurs, his frantic glances around the room remind me of a guy who’d been jumped years ago. When this beta was around too many people, he got this hypervigilance that would get almost paranoid.

I watch him with single-minded intensity, trying to grasp any clues that might help me figure out how to help him. Them.

“You called?” Taylor asks politely as Gold and Acton appear behind him. I do a double take as he efficiently buttons up his shirt. Gold prowls past Taylor, finger-combing his hair out of his face. Acton hooks his fingers in his jean pockets and leans against the wall. Taylor rolls up his sleeves and finally turns to me.

I shoot him a venomous look. “Your omega is going to go into heat soon. Doesn’t look happy, does he?” I indicate Barren, who is currently pulling a box of linen apart.

Gold turns pale, and his skin takes the appearance of being washed out. He drops into a crouch and lets out a low moan. Seeing him like that is seven kinds of wrong. My stomach churns, but I have to focus on Barren.

I cross to Gold, grip his upper arm, and drag him up.

“Gold, focus on Barren.” I say under my breath. “The pack’s here, we’ve got this.”

“We need to-”

I hold up my hand, cutting Acton off short.

“He doesn’t feel safe. As long as he’s not safe, this is dangerous. So, let’s think, how can we make this safe?”

Taylor watches Bar pace the windows and closes his eyes again. “Of course.”

“Can I make a suggestion?”

“Yes!” Acton says before the others can speak.

“Find his nest, because judging from the time it’s taking for him to get from here to where it is and back, it’s not the third floor. Seal off all access around it. Bring in what you need. Water, food. All that stuff. And stay there with him.”

“Gold.” I wait until I have his attention. “Go and make traps. Lots of them. Get Bar to help you set them up. Stash them in all the hallways around the nest.”

Gold’s eyes flare. “Some of those used to break bones.”

I shrug. “Bones heal.” I turn to Jet. “Food. Water. Cleaning supplies. First aid. Comfort items. Yours and his.”

“Have you ever prepared for an omega heat?” Taylor asks. There’s the tiniest bit of derision there.

I look over at Bar. “I did this when I was scared, at my most vulnerable, and I needed to feel safe.” I glance back at Taylor, raising my brow mockingly. “No, I haven’t prepared for an omega heat.”

I ignore them then, walking over to Bar. The scent of orange is richer. It’s not overpowering, not yet. He glances at me, and for the first time, there’s almost hostility in his gaze. His hair is glossy, and his eye’s sparkle, his skin appears to glow. He’s so damn beautiful it’s almost impossible to keep my hands off him. But that look in his eyes, that warning. My stomach dips.

I hold out my hand. He resists for a moment and then takes my hand.

“Show me your nest.”

He lets out a growl. I turn on him and bite his shoulder. The growl turns vicious, so I let my alpha up to my eyes.