Staring him down. He tilts his head to the side and whimpers.
“Do you trust me, Omega?”
He pauses, and it breaks my heart.
“That’s okay. You will one day. Trust is earned. Come on, you need to show Gold where your nest is so he can show you how to lay booby traps.”
Bar stumbles. “I can? What?”
“We’ve decided the best way to deal with…all this,” I wave a hand at him. “Is to turn all this,” I wave a hand at the house, “into one big deadly trap for whatever idiot tries to sneak in.”
His eyes widen, and he moves closer to me. “Really?” There’s so much relief in his eyes, in his tone.
I snort. “Of course. Do you know if you had used words and said to Gold, ‘I don’t feel safe here.’ Or told Taylor to find you another place to nest. Or told Acton that you want him to dig six foot holes with pikes in the bottom, Or asked Jet to hire you five teams of security. They would have done so?”
Bar’s eyes fill with tears. “They’re already suffering because of me. It’s my fault, what happened.”
I take his hands and squeeze them. “Oh, baby, no, this was not your fault. You are such an idiot sometimes, there is nothing that happened that was your fault. Luckily, I’m here to tell you that and remind you that I love you.”
I suck in a breath, frozen. Did I just…I did.
Bar’s expression changes, and he pulls his hands free of mine, snaring my wrist, then he starts pulling me along until I’m almost jogging to keep up with him.
He leads me into a huge empty room on the second floor. It’s dark with no furniture, but it’s got heavy drapes. I see an ornate divider up one end. He drags me past the divider, and I freeze.
His nest. I don’t know why I thought it would be a sad, paltry affair hidden under a bed or something. Oh, no, he must have every cushion in the entire house. Every blanket. It’s the most luxurious pile I’ve ever seen in my life.
He drags me in and pushes me on my back.
“You love me?” He purrs.
I, shit. I don’t know what to say to this. I know I’ve fucked up, but it’s Barren.
“Yes.” I say in defeat. “How could I not love you?”
“I’m broken,” he snarls. “An omega who doesn’t have heats.”
I sit up, wrap my arms around his neck, and kiss him. “You’re perfect. And I hate to break it to you, baby, but I think you might be starting one now.”
Bar blinks and looks around. It’s like he’s coming out of a trance. He looks up. I turn my head and find Gold there. How he silently approaches is still a mystery to me.
Bar jumps into his arms, wrapping his legs around Gold’s waist.
“I’m okay. I’m back. It’s back. I’m an omega.”
“Was there doubt?” I ask, frowning. I struggle out of the mound of pillows and get to my feet. “I have to go prepare stuff.”
Bar looks at me and reaches for me, but I duck away, laughing. “No, you build traps. I have to prepare.”
He pouts, but Gold whispers in his ear, and soon, he’s distracted. Fuck, they look good together. Light and Dark. Night and Day. I slip out of the room as quickly as I can, opting to go downstairs rather than remain on the second floor.
I can’t believe I said that. I can’t believe I've done that. How much lower can I sink? It’s going to kill him when I leave. Two weeks. His heat might last for a week. One week with him. Just one.
But thinking about leaving Bar makes me think of the others, and soon, I’m curling up behind a couch, silently weeping.
It’s inevitable. This is going to hurt everyone. I can only pray that it’s worth it and Bar finds a way to live again with the happiness that he has.
How am I going to live without them? I’m running out of time.