Bar wraps himself even tighter around me and growls low in his throat. I look at him in surprise as he pulls me to him, plucking at the jumper I’m wearing.


I lean forward as much as I can and take the jumper off. He snatches it, bringing it to his nose, inhales, bounces up, and disappears. The bizarre behaviour puzzles me. I feel a bit stupid standing in my bra and slacks staring after the omega, but I can’t figure out what’s wrong. I spot Jet walking past the door with a box in his hands.


Jet walks into the room and does a double take. “New dress code, gorgeous?”

“Hey, Jet,” I purr, walking towards him. He backs up, his eyes narrowed. He puts the box of cereal behind his back.

“No. Mine.”

I snarl, he snarls back. I freeze for a moment, waiting for the aggressive, dangerous tension to fill the room, and when it doesn’t, I stop, confused.

Jet slips an arm around me and offers me the box. He leads me back to the couch Bar and I were sitting on and pulls me into his arms.

“Everything you ever knew is wrong. You don’t know if the world is up or down. All the careful years of observing behaviours to keep you alive don’t seem to exist anymore? Am I right?”

I nod. “If Rick had growled back at me, I would have had to have put him in his place. It would have involved a week of sulking. Horrible tension in the house and me eventually apologising."

“It’s pack.” Jet explains with a low laugh.

“I don’t understand. I lived with a pack before. You guys aren’t like them or the rest of the packs I’ve had an acquaintance with.” I pause. “Except one.”

“No, it’s pack when it’s the right one. You can get angry, but it doesn’t have to end in challenges and fights. It doesn’t become dangerous over cereal. The edges that you have will still be there for everyone else, but not for the pack that is home to you.”

I squeeze my eyes closed. “And you think this is my pack?”

“Darling girl, we are your pack. No thinking. Guessing. Questions. And you know that we’re yours. I’m guessing your little inner voice took one whiff at how good I smell and said ‘that candy is mine’.”

I snicker, but my heart lifts. Jet smirks and leans in close, so when he whispers, his breath fans across my face.

“I know because that’s what mine did when I smelt you. That hot chocolate scented alpha belongs to me. I need to take her home, make her mine, shout it for the world to see, because I’m gonna kill anyone who tries to take you from me.” He pauses, winking. “Pack excepted. Because that little treat is mine.”

I suck in a breath. “Jet.”

“Give yourself time. It’s going to take a bit. You’ve had a lot of lessons on how to be a packless Alpha and survive. Being part of a pack is a whole new ballgame. And…” He trails off, watching as Bar storms across the room, crossing into another room. “That is not normal pack behaviour.”

“He’s been a bit strange today, aggressive, moody.”

Jet’s eyes flit to mine, and in the depths, I see panic. I stand up, responding to the tension that’s pouring off him.

“What’s wrong?”

“Shit. Not now. Not yet.” Jet whispers in a desperate plea.

I grip his arm. “What’s wrong?”

“I think he’s going into heat.” Jet breathes the words in what sounds like awe and terror.

My lips part, a deep hunger inside me rising and threatening to pull me under. I push it down and snap my fingers. “Jet?”

He glances at me.

“If you’re panicking, you need to close the bond so he can’t feel it.” I say clearly, ensuring he’s listening.

Jet takes a deep breath and nods.