That’s what I’m fighting for. That’s why I’m still here. Because I need to make sure that nothing comes back to the pack. I need to make sure we’re safe. I keep my pack safe, even if it hurts us.

Even if she never forgives me.

I throw my tumbler at the wall. The amber liquid runs down, soaking into the carpet.

She won’t forgive me. I wouldn’t forgive myself.

But maybe she can forgive the others. That’s the best outcome I can hope for.

I walk over to my desk and lean over the map. There are lots of sections crossed out in red, but still more blank spaces. I study the terrain and try to put myself in their heads.

I have to find it. It’s the only way it ends. Visions of police finding their belongings and taking the pack into custody keep me awake all night. I picture hikers finding it or someone from town. The dooming evidence that will destroy my pack bearing down on us. A last threat from Merry. Every time I think, no, let’s forget it, I break into a cold sweat and throw up.

We need this to be over.

I picture Merry in my head, remember every little fucked up detail I’ve been trying to forget.

I see her innocent smile, smeared with the blood of my omega, and the knife she holds over him as his life force spreads out of his body.

I let out a roar of pain, of helpless rage. I’d had a chance then to end her, but I’d chosen to save Barren, and I will never ever regret that decision.

She’d fled with Art. While I’d put my hands on my omega’s body and tried to save him.

But before that. Long walks in the dark with Art. The courting of two omegas was a dangerous thing. But it hadn’t seemed like that at the time. Now I look back on those moments the two of them had disappeared with cold fury and regret.

I hadn’t seen it. The only one who’d said anything against the situation was Jet. I’d been too busy falling in love with Barren.

He saw her. Jet did. He saw straight through her, and he warned us. But I hadn’t listened.

I snap my phone up to my ear and wait until Jet gets on the line.

“Hey,” he says calmly.

“Go to where you’re alone.”

I wait.

“I’m alone.”

“Where did Merry and Art go on their walks?”

“How would I know?” Jet asks in disgust.

“Would they go to parks? Would they go to forests? Beaches? Where?”

Jet falls silent. “She used to talk about caves a lot. Gemstones and things she would find in them.”

I study the map and find three areas that have caves. “Thanks, Jet.”

“Hey, Taylor?”



“I’m trying.”

I look at the map, pick up a torch and a couple of bottles of water, shoving them into my bag, and then I leave the house.