Another day of searching. Another day that might give me back my pack.

Another chance to fix my fuck up.



The doctor smiles at me and shows me the results. His expression is warm and tries to be reassuring, but there’s this ringing in my ears. He’s handsome and kind and another expert. I feel nothing for him but gratitude. He’s waiting for me to respond, his brows puckered as he leans towards me.

“You’re pregnant.” He says the words again.

The world tilts and tilts back. “I can’t be. I’m an alpha.” I speak slowly so he can understand me. I’ve said this a couple of times now to a couple of doctors. I keep waiting for someone to jump out of the white cupboard and shout ‘Surprise!’

Doctor Halo chuckles. “Being an alpha makes it unlikely, not impossible.”

I stare down at the test in my hand. “But…”

He smiles gently. “I think you have some thinking to do. Are you worried about options? You are entitled, and no one will judge you, no matter what you decide.”

I shake my head, putting my hand over my stomach. The second he says it, a fierce need to protect my child comes over me.

“No. I’m keeping it, I just…my pack…”

“They will be overjoyed. Trust me. This is your miracle.”

I lean back in the chair. I’m worried they’ll see this baby as another way I’m trying to worm back into their lives. I won’t use my child to get them back.

My teeth sink into my lower lip to stop the tears from rising.

“So, I’m not sick.” I confirm one more time.

“No, you're not sick.”

“Thank you.”

I stand up and walk out of the doctor’s surgery in a daze. I go back to the rental house and really look at it.

This isn’t going to do. It’s a dump. Everything I look at, I see hazards, danger. I put my hand over my stomach and stand on the footpath, staring blindly. I’m lost in the future what ifs. I can see Taylor on the ground playing with cars. Acton teaches our daughter to cook. Gold cuddling our son and telling him stories. Jet and Barren standing over the cot, watching our child sleep.

I have to tell them. I’m struck by panic and excitement.

I’m just passing the gate when I smell oranges. I turn, whipping around so fast I almost fall. I search everywhere but I can’t see him.

Maybe it’s the longing to see him that’s causing me to scent them everywhere? And yet, those gifts keep coming.

I get to my doorstep and find a surprise.

The woman turns and smiles at me. Her hair is honey-streaked brown, and her eyes are wide, showing off a unique turquoise colour. She’s stunning. And I catch her scent and stiffen, an omega.

“Hi, Scarlet. My name is Hazel. A mutual friend of ours suggested we might get along.”

I eye her carefully. My suspicions are raised, I don’t see anything crafty or insane in her eyes, but I don’t want to take chances.

“What friend?” I snarl.

She blinks. “Uh, well, he asked me not to say-“
