Meeka squeals in my ear and I pull the phone away, a huge grin on my face.

“Dude, my ears.”

I giggle


“I promise. Tell Kevin to get ready…”

I don’t get a chance to finish my playful threat to her husband when I’m interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and come face to face with… Adam! What. The. Fuck. “Excuse me, Meeka. There’s a piece of trash I need to get rid of. I’ll call you back later.” I disconnect the call and cross my arms over my ample chest. Is this asshole for real?

“What are you doing at my house?” I demand to know in an icy tone.

“Technically, it’s your parents’ house,” he dares reply with a cheeky expression.

Oh no. This motherfucker did not come to my childhood home during my vacation, looking all stupid handsome and bulging muscles, to torture me with his delicious smelling cologne and muddle my thoughts! Uh-huh!!

“What. Are. You. Doing. Here. Adam Barrett?” I enunciate between gritted teeth.

“I came to talk to you and pay my respects to your family.”

Adam is dressed in all black. Like a fucking marauding pirate. He has on a fitted button-down that hugs his strong biceps at each movement of his arms, and impeccably cut slacks that outline his slim waist and thick thighs. Lord have mercy, the man looks hot as sin.



She looks absolutely magnificent. All I want to do is throw Maya over my shoulder and lock us in a room.

She’s also fucking pissed… My mother warned me, you don’t leave a woman alone to straighten her affairs without being clear about your intentions. I wanted to give Maya time and space, but it looks like I fucked up.

“Maya, I know you haven’t heard from me but—”

She interrupts me, “but what, Adam? You were too busy smoldering other women all over Charleston? I don’t know who you are. I haven’t seen you or spoken to you in five years, and here you come, all smooth and intense, like some sort of gentlemanly playboy.”

Oh shit…

“If you’ll just let me explain—”

“Explain what, Adam? You saw an old acquaintance in a city where we’re far from our family and friends, and thought I could become your new plaything?”

Maya’s voice is harsh and my own temper starts rising…

“Stop calling me a player. You said it yourself, you don’t know me.” I take a step closer, towering over her medium height. My nostrils flaring at the assault of her delicious perfume. I utter between gritted teeth, “I was waiting for you to break things off with that guy you were seeing, and contact me.”

She harrumphs, crossing her arms over the full tits I’ve been trying to ignore, but there’s a definite sparkle of doubt in her gaze.

“I’m here to ask for your dad’s blessing,” I finish, realizing we unconsciously closed the distance between us and are now standing nose to nose.

Maya’s eyelids flutter in apparent confusion, before she asks in a whisper, “w… what?”

A cocky grin wipes off my thunderous expression.

“You heard me. Now tell me, is it over with him?”

Maya nods, her full, tempting lips parted. Apparently still under the shock of my declaration.

“Good. I’d be honored to express my intentions to your father.”