Maya looks at me with wide eyes, my words slowly penetrating the fog of the past ten days she must have spent cursing me to hell.

When she finally speaks, her voice is calm, almost soft, “what do you mean Adam? we only just got reacquainted.”

I feel my mouth crook up on one side. “You really have to ask?”

She nods, just once.

“Maya, you’ve never left my mind. Ever. Since we were kids.”

Her mouth falls open again. “But… but you never even spoke to me when we were younger.”

“Yeah, I was morbidly timid around you. Lifelong crush and all that.” I finish, smiling tenderly.

Looking into her beautiful eyes and trying to convey all my feelings.

She sighs and shakes her head almost imperceptibly, still not convinced. “Are you seeing anyone?”

My spine straightens at the insult. “No. And before you ask, I’ve never gone to a woman’s father to state my intentions.”

Her big brown eyes widen.

“I’ve been serious about you for a very long time, Maya Jones. And I always hoped you felt the same.”

I take her hand, entwining our fingers.

She sucks air between her teeth with derision. “Boy, please. You knew I liked you. I spent my childhood chasing after you.”

“But then you became distant,” I volley back. “Actually, I should be the one doubting your intentions,” I tease her.

Maya gifts me her first full-blown smile since I surprised her in front of her family’s house.

I take another step closer, our chests almost brushing now. Her torrid gaze feels like a hand cupping my full balls and giving my hard dick a luscious squeeze. Then, Maya swirls on her heels, calling over her shoulder, “now, come talk to my parents.”


When we walk into Maya’s parents’ home, a small tornado bumps into my legs. I catch the little girl by her upper arms and set her straight.

“Careful, sweetheart.”

“Sorry!” She yells and takes off in another mad dash, a second girl coming to run after her.

“Kenya, Aliyah! You girls better not make me come after you!” Amal, Maya’s older sister, calls after who I assume are her daughters.

I smile in amusement

She turns her attention to me.

“Hi, Adam. Long time no see. How have you been?”

“Hey, Amal. It’s been a while. I’m great, and you?”

“Can’t complain. Those two keep me busy.”

She points in the direction her girls went.

I chuckle again. “I can see that.”

Amal shakes her head, then turns to the tall, imposing, blond and blue eyed, bearded man standing at her side. “This is my husband, Cage.”