Page 132 of Charlie

A cheer goes up the second we're in eyesight of the kitchen, Jack and Lach are waiting for us with four glasses and an expensive-looking bottle of champagne. I take the glass Jack hands me and raise it as Lach starts a toast.

"To the official start of the rest of our lives," he says, his gaze burning me alive.

"To being ravished by three of the hottest guys I've ever known." I smirk, clinking my glass against theirs and downing the champagne in one giant gulp.


I'm awakened by the smell of coffee and three very large, very hard bodies climbing into bed with me.

"Wake up, sleepy head." Lach's baritone slides over my body like electricity, making my nipples harden against my sleep shirt. I stretch my arms over my head, arching my back and pointing my toes to get the aches out of my body. All three of them groan. Lach's hand closes over my left breast as Cam's mouth descends on my right. Jack pulls the covers away from my legs and kneels between them, pushing my knees wide.

"Why aren't you wearing underwear, Charlotte?" His voice is rough, but his hands are rougher as he sweeps them up my thighs, stopping just shy of the throbbing ache at my core, kneading tender flesh, his thumbs sliding closer and closer until he's sliding them through the gathered moisture, trapping my clit between his thumbs. Is this how it's going to be? My brain is so overrun with stimuli that I can't think about anything but the pleasure they're giving me. I arch against him, a low growl vibrating over me right before he pulls me into his mouth.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news," Cam says, breaking to tease my nipple with the tip of his tongue, "But if we don't hustle, we're going to miss the ferry."

Jack ignores him, his gaze locking with mine as he fills me with two fingers, massaging my g-spot while he eats me out. My head drops back as the first tremors start, and I feel Jack chuckle against me before he pulls out and rises to his knees. He stares down at me, his eyes making it very clear that this is just a taste of what's coming later.

"What the fuck, Jack." He easily dodges the pillow I throw at his head.

"I wanted to get you ready for tonight."

"I already was ready, in case you didn't notice."

"Oh, I noticed." His smile is wicked as he licks his fingers clean. Cam shoulders him out of the way and anchors himself between my legs, his eyes dark as he reaches down and pushes one long finger into me. I squeeze around him, rocking my hips against his hand.

"Please," I beg him.

He glances at his watch and pulls away from me, scrambling off the bed. "We don't have time, Charlie."

"Do I have time for one little taste?" Lach asks, his gaze wavering between my pussy and the finger I was just fucking.

"Absolutely not. We will have all the time we want later. We need to get our little witch up and moving before we miss the ferry."

"Fine." Lach's eyes are on me as he takes Cam's hand in his, bringing that finger to his lips and sucking it into his mouth before slowly pulling it out. "That will have to tide me over."

"Fuck," Cam mutters, adjusting himself before grabbing my feet and swinging them over the edge of the bed.

"All three of you are awful," I grumble, stripping off my shirt and walking to the dresser to figure out what to wear. The silence is deafening as they watch me, the tension in the air so thick I can hardly breathe.

"We're going somewhere nice for lunch," Lach rasps, his gaze sliding over my body like silk. I glance at all three of them, realizing they're all dressed nicely – rumpled but nice. I find the sexiest thong I have, bending over obscenely as I pull it up. I dig down to the bottom of my drawer and pull out a light, gauzy skirt, a matching top, and a chunky sweater. I grab my bra and pull the straps over my shoulders, but Jack stops me before I can fasten it, his fingers warm on my back as he wrestles with the clasps. He slides his hands down my waist once he's finished, cupping my ass and squeezing.

"I'll make coffee while you finish getting ready." He slides a finger under the string of fabric between my ass cheeks and tugs gently, putting pressure on my clit. I angle my hips to give him access, but he only slaps my butt before heading to the kitchen.

"We have a dilemma that we decided was yours to solve." Lach watches as I pull the skirt over my hips.

"What sort of dilemma?" I pull on my top and then the sweater, praying to the weather gods that my legs won't freeze.

"We can take my car or one of the trucks. My car will be an incredibly tight squeeze, but it will be a breeze to park in the city. We'll have room to spread out in the truck, but it will be a huge headache to find parking every time we go somewhere."

"Your car." I slide my feet into sneakers. I can feel the guys having a silent conversation over my head.

"It'll be tight, and it's a long drive," he reminds me.

"I'd rather be uncomfortable on the ride there than ruin the weekend because we can't find parking." I look in the mirror as I twist my unruly hair into a knot and secure it with a clip, ensuring I have a hair tie around my wrist in case of emergency. I grab my backpack from the foot of the bed, sling it over my shoulder, and then follow my nose to the kitchen.

"That's all you're bringing?" Jack raises his eyebrow as he eyes my backpack, then returns his focus to the travel mugs he's filling.

"I wasn't under the impression I would need a ton of clothing this weekend."