"It's just that you and Jack have already proposed and I don't want him to feel like a third wheel. I want him to know without a doubt that he belongs with us. And then I worry that I'm stealing his chance to propose?—"
"He'll love it, Charlie," Lach says, pressing a finger to my lips.
"You're sure?"
"Positive. We better get to dinner before Jack comes looking for us," he says, softening his eyeroll with a wink.
Lach and I walk around the back of the castle and enter directly through the kitchen, the smell of roasting meat and fresh bread hitting us in the face the second we open the door. My stomach growls loudly, earning me a dirty look from Jack – a silent admonishment for not eating lunch. Before I can explain myself, I look over to see Cam stalking toward me, his gaze stripping me bare. The heat in his eyes has me walking backward until I'm pressed against the door with nowhere else to go. He braces one arm on the doorframe and pulls me flush against his body with the other, capturing my lips with his.
"I missed you," he breathes, pulling my lower lip into his mouth before deepening the kiss.
"Why don't you two take a walk and catch up?" Jack says, winking at me. "Lach and I will finish dinner. It should be ready in about half an hour."
"Are you sure?" I ask, but Cam pulls me out the door, and Jack's reply is cut off as the door snicks closed.
"They'll be fine," he assures me, a smile pulling at his lips as his gaze sweeps over me. "Come on. We only have half an hour, and I want to show you something." He keeps his fingers linked with mine as we walk into the orchard, weaving through the trees before entering a wooded area, pine needles softening our steps. Sunlight streams through the branches, bugs and birds flitting over our heads as Cam pulls me in deeper. He stops suddenly, tugging a scarf from his pocket.
"Close your eyes," he says, his cheeks ruddy and his eyes sparkling.
"Did you have this planned?" I ask as I close my eyes. "Or do you keep blindfolds in your pocket just in case the need arises?"
"When doesn't the need arise?" I can hear the smile in his voice, and the corners of my mouth curl in response. "Hold on to my shoulders," he instructs, placing my hands where he wants them before walking forward slowly. He stops after a dozen steps and turns, his minty breath warm against my face.
"Sorry. You're just so fucking beautiful, and I honestly have a hard time believing that we're even doing this right now."
"Doing what?" I ask, sliding my hand over his chest, feeling his heart pounding under my palm. There's a soft rustling as he steps away from me. "Cam?"
"Take the blindfold off, Charlie."
My heart is in my throat as I slide it off and open my eyes. We're in an old chapel, stone walls crumbling around us as the forest reclaims it. Old stained-glass windows cast rainbows over the ground, fighting with the dappled green light shining through the leaves. I drop my gaze to find Cam kneeling in front of me, his eyes bright.
"Charlie, in the beginning, I convinced myself we could never work. And then I left and found myself waking up every morning eager to see you, only to have my heart torn from my chest all over again. Then I returned and found you in the one place I had never even dared to hope you would be. And now I'm proposing to you, ready to place a third ring on your finger and make this official.
"Wait a damn minute," I protest, dropping to my knees in front of him, cradling his face between my hands. "I was lost after you left. I felt guilty for meeting Lach and Jack and even guiltier when I was with them and couldn't stop thinking about you. Wondering how you were. What you were doing. Never in my wildest dreams did I think things would work out like this. I am so grateful for you, Cam." A tremulous smile wavers on his lips as he wipes the tears from under my eyes.
"Let me finish," I say, cutting him off, "I know this isn't how our relationship started and I sure as hell know that you weren't planning on putting a third engagement ring on my finger, but fate is a fickle beast, and I'm going to ask anyway. Marry me, Cameron?" I pull the ring off my thumb and hold it out to him, my fingers shaking.
"Fuck, Charlie," he chokes out, wiping his eyes before pulling a ring box out of his pocket. He flips open the top, and there, nested in black velvet, is a sparkling sapphire ring. "This is a sapphire that was found here on Harris back in the 80's," he says, swallowing hard. "I wanted to give you something that will always remind you of what we've created on this tiny island. Will you be my wife, Charlie?" I nod, tears streaming down my cheeks as he takes the ring out of the box and slides it onto my finger, the band dainty enough to be a perfect complement to the other two.
"Don't make me ask again," I say, laughing as I grab his hand and wait for his answer.
"Yes, I will marry you, Charlie." His eyes shine as he watches me slide the ring onto his finger. "The adventures we'll have..." he rasps, emotion cutting off the rest of his words.
"Starting with tomorrow night?" I tease, pulling him to his feet and wrapping my arms around him. He tilts my chin up and presses his lips against mine hungrily, walking me back until my back is pressed against the stone wall, his cock hard against my stomach. He's moaning into my lips, his hand sliding over my breast when the first text comes through. He ignores it, pulling me closer and rocking his hips against mine. I'm in the process of unbuckling his belt when the second text comes through.
"Goddamnit," he mutters, "I already know it's one of the guys telling us dinner is almost ready."
"Not yet," I breathe, my forehead pressed to his chest as I pull his belt away. I make quick work of his button and zipper, pulling his boxers down so I can see the head of his cock. I'm sliding my hand along his length when his phone starts ringing. Betting on the distraction, I drop to my knees and swirl my tongue over his head just as he answers.
"Hell—fuck. Hello?" he manages, biting his lip to keep in a groan. "Yeah, we'll be right—" he moans as I take him all the way in, my lips against the taught skin of his abdomen as I hollow my cheeks. The phone drops into the dirt at his feet and his fingers tangle with my hair, his hips flexing, forcing me to take him even deeper. He pulls out with a grunt, grabs his phone, and walks away from me, fixing his clothes as he assures the guys that we'll be there in a couple of minutes.
I laugh when he matches me step for step as I walk toward him, turning and jogging away before I can corner him. "You're so much fucking trouble," he says, chuckling, "Save your energy for tomorrow. You're going to need it."
"Fine," I pout, settling for the feel of his hand in mine, wondering if Jack told him what he has planned for tomorrow or if he's keeping it a surprise. Just thinking about it sends a shiver of anticipation down my spine.