Page 16 of Jason

“Craig is being dealt with, but I know you would like to know that he tried to force himself on your sister, and that’s why she asked us to help her pack and move.”

After I calmed down Darius, I went back into the bathroom and bathed my woman. I took her out of the tub and dried her off with a towel. I took her back out to the bed and lay down with her.


I wasn’t too happy when I found out about Jason and my sister. But I can tell that he makes her happy though, so now I’m good with it. I just want my sister to be happy and I could tell for the past few years she hasn’t been happy, but whenever I brought it up, she would dismiss it. I just hoped at that time that whatever was going on between her and Craig would work out for them.

I wanted to hurt Craig when I found out he was cheating on my sister. She gave up everything to be with that asshole and he was out here cheating on her. She made me promise not to retaliate and I’m a man of my word, so I didn’t.

I woke up to my phone ringing and saw that it was a call from Jason. I wondered why he would call me so early in the morning. He knows I don’t like to be woken up before my alarm goes off before work. I answered though because it might have something to do with Dawn since they are a couple now. He said Craig tried to force himself on Dawn and that was why she said he was crazy, but didn’t want to specify the reasons.

I was livid and wanted to kill Craig. I was already getting up to go give Craig a little visit, but Jason said he had it handled. One thing I know for sure is that once you get on Jason’s bad side, it’s the worse place to be.

Jason owns a couple of businesses, but his family is in the mafia. He doesn’t like people to know about that and only Dawn and I know about it in our friend group. The rest of our friends just think he came from old money and that’s why he is able to own multiple businesses. That’s also one of the reasons I wasn’t a big fan of them dating. I know Jason will protect her at all costs, but I still worry about that side of his family interacting with my baby sister. She’s just too innocent for that lifestyle, even if Jason swears he won’t get into it. I know now, though, he is going to dabble in it just to get Craig. Craig may have thought he had it bad with me, but he has no idea the type of people Jason knows.


I went to Dawn’s place to work out our issues and found Jason at her place in his boxers. When I looked at him, I saw the hickey sitting on his neck. I wanted to kill him and her.

Since the news broke of my affair, I haven’t sold any albums and they cancelled all my future tours. I was hoping if I could show the public that Dawn and I worked through it, then I would get my fan base back and maybe stop losing money.

It’s been about two weeks since I went to Dawn’s place, and sometimes I feel like someone is following me. Maybe I’m just paranoid since I don’t have anybody around me now. After everything happened, my friends stopped contacting me and now Jaqueline is even done with me. I figured out she leaked our messages, hoping I would leave my wife, and then when she realized what she did messed up my income and fame, she stopped talking to me. I should have realized she was nothing but a gold digger.

I opened my house door and tried to flip on the lights, but they wouldn’t come on. I know I paid the bill, so maybe the breaker is messed up. I walked downstairs to check the breaker and got hit in the back of the head.

I woke up with a massive headache tied to a chair. My eyesight was blurry, but I noticed a giant bald guy was standing in front of me, or maybe it was two giant bald guys. His gruff voice said, “The boss sends a message. You tried to touch his woman, and no one touches his woman.”

Then the guy beat me until my eyes closed shut. I woke up on the basement floor in a pool of blood with a swollen face and a broken hand. I felt pain all over my body. I could barely move, but knew that I had to find my phone to get help.

I looked around the room and spotted my phone on the floor near the steps. I used all my strength to crawl to my phone. As I groaned in pain, I called the cops and ambulance.

When I arrived at the hospital and they asked who they could call to be with me, I realized I had no one. I gave my statement of what I could remember to the cops, and they told me they would keep in touch. I stayed in the hospital for two weeks, recovering from my injuries. I called Dawn a couple of times and even left her multiple messages saying where I was and what happened, but she never responded.

After realizing she wouldn’t respond, in an angry fit, I threw my phone against the wall. It shattered in pieces like my heart once I realized she was done with me. I was beyond furious at her; I can’t believe she would throw our marriage away and act like I didn’t exist.




My relationship with Jason has blossomed so much. We have officially moved in together. I love this man with all my being, and he clearly loves me to death. I have never felt this way, not even in my marriage, and I hate I wasted all those years without Jason. I’m glad he waited for me.

We have officially reached the part in our relationship where I meet his parents. I only met them once when we were kids and went to get Jason to play with Darius and me. I remember he had a lot of people at his house, and when we asked him why they had big people in black suits at his place, he said that his family was very secretive, and those guys help them keep secrets. As a kid, I thought that was cool and he said from then on he would come to our place instead of us going to his place. I never thought about that again until we were teenagers and he told us his family was mafia. That day, Darius made me promise not to get on Jason’s bad side because of his family.

I woke up feeling nauseous and figured that maybe my body was wearing down because of all the sex Jason and I keep having. We have sex at least twice a day or if it’s a good day, maybe four times. I love having sex with him and never got tired of it. He has shown me a bunch of new things I didn’t think could be fun during sex.

He was worried when I didn’t have a period after our first month together, but I told him that I didn’t have them with the type of birth control I was on. He then became happy we could do it every day. He has very high stamina.

I picked out a short cap sleeve, split neck, lace red dress that stops right above my knees and paired it with my black heels and clutch. I wanted to dress to impress because I hoped that Jason’s family, or at least his mom, would like me. He told me not to worry, they would love me, but I was very nervous. My parents aren’t alive, and I barely spent time with my ex’s family. They never liked me and I was fine with that, but I really want Jason’s mom to like me. He is very close to his mom, and I feel like if she doesn’t like me, then he may stop liking me. I haven’t told him this because I’m scared to.

Jason stepped out of the bathroom and stopped to look at me with lust in his eyes. “I just want to take that dress off of you and fuck you all night.”

I laughed and told him to get dressed because we can’t be late. Jason put on a red button up tight fitted shirt with black slacks. The shirt hugged his arms and by the time he was fully dressed, I wanted to take off his clothes and jump his bones. I wouldn’t tell him that though because he would let me, and we would miss this dinner.

We hopped in Jason’s car and drove about thirty minutes to his parents’ house. We drove up a long driveway until we finally pulled up to a mansion with many bodyguards. The place was a beautiful brick-style home with many windows. I was so nervous I shifted in my seat.

Jason grabbed my hand and said, “Calm down, baby. Everything will be fine.”