Page 17 of Jason

He got out of the car and went around, opening my door. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers while walking to the front door that was made of glass and showed a view of the inside.

A man dressed in a suit greeted us. “Welcome, Mr. Jason and Ms. Dawn.”

We walked inside the house, and it was a beautiful place. I admired the paintings on the wall as well as the winding staircase. The high ceilings were a nice touch as well. I could even see a hot tub and pool in the backyard.

Jason whispered, “You’re drooling,” while chuckling.

I quickly wiped my mouth and realized he was lying. I elbowed him in the side and smirked once he winced. We stood waiting in the front entrance for a few minutes before we heard heels clacking down the stairs.

A beautiful light skin woman walked towards me and gave me the biggest hug, saying, “I have heard so much about you, Dawn. You are as beautiful as I thought you would be.”

I returned her embrace. “You are beautiful too, ma’am.”

“No, call me Mary or Mom. My son is very fond of you, and I just know we will get along great.”

I smiled.

Jason whined. “Mom, I know you are happy to see Dawn, but what about me?”

Mary laughed and pinched his cheeks. “Hey, baby. Come, let’s go to the dining room.” She linked her arms with mine, and we turned right and walked to the dining room while Jason pouted, walking behind us. A long black table with comfortable-looking chairs sat in the middle of the room.

Mary sat across from Jason and I sat beside him while a man of Italian descent came around the corner, sitting at the head of the table beside his wife and Jason. His dad was an older version of Jason and still looked great. I know our kids would look great if they took after Jason.

Woah, where did that thought come from? We never discussed kids before. We talked about our future and how we feel like we were meant to be together forever. I hope he wants kids because I know I do.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when his dad said, “I see my son has great taste like me. You are beautiful, Dawn.”

I smiled and thanked him.

He asked, “So what do you do for a living?”

I answered, “I’m a realtor, sir.”

He quickly said, “Please call me Jack.”

I nodded.

The food was brought out, and everything looked delectable. We enjoyed the pan seared salmon and oven roasted potatoes. I also enjoyed the company; Jason’s parents were wonderful, and we got along great.

After we had desert, Jack said, “Jason, join me in my office for a minute.”

Jason kissed my forehead, whispering, “I’ll be right back, sweetie.” Then they got up and left.

Mary once again linked my arms into hers and we made our way to the cozy living room. The oval sofa, loveseat, and rocking sofa chairs were all white. There were more paintings hanging on the wall. The large windows showcased the gorgeous landscape.

She started to tell me things about Jason’s childhood before Darius and I met him. How he was a quiet little boy who kept to himself and wanted no friends. She believed he was afraid to make friends because of the family business. She also thanked me for being his friend when we were younger. She said that Darius and I helped bring him out of his shell. I was happy to hear that.



Ifollowed my dad to his home office. I already knew this conversation was going to be about the family business, and I was right. I settled on the chair in front of Dad’s brown desk after getting a whiskey from his bar.

“Son, when are you going to take over the business?” Dad asked as he got comfortable behind his desk.

“Dad, I already told you I don’t want to go into this business. That’s why I started all those other businesses, so I wouldn’t have to, and my name and money would be clean,” I responded.

He scoffed. “My name is clean and most of my money is too. I’m getting old, Jason, and you are my only child, so I need someone to take over for me. I don’t want your cousin to take over. You know he has been pestering me to retire just so he can take over.”