Page 3 of Jason

D: Thank you for always making me smile, Jason. I’m going to hold back on texting and calling you until this mess blows over. I don’t want to ruin your reputation while he is out here destroying mine.

J: He can’t ruin my reputation. I understand, though, but I will be here waiting for you. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to call, or text me.

Darius knocked on the door, and when I didn’t answer, he popped his head inside the room. He told me I had to get out of the house, even if it was just for a walk. I figured he was right. I took a quick shower, washed my hair, and dressed in a black maxi dress. The dress was long so I just slipped into some sandals and applied a little makeup so you couldn’t tell I have been crying all night and day. I left my brown hair hanging down my back. I walked out of the house and went to a nearby park. The sun was shining bright, a bitter contrast to how I was feeling.

Apparently, fate was not on my side, and I saw some of Craig’s friends at the park. They openly made faces at me while whispering loud enough for me to hear them. I heard them call me a cheater. I was mortified at their words and left to head back to Darius’s house.

I was already in tears when I walked inside the front door. Darius was on alert as soon as he saw me. I told him how I saw some old friends at the park and their harsh words kept echoing through my mind.

“She’s nothing but a cheater who ruined her marriage.”

“Why would Craig be with her, anyway?”

“He could have any woman he wanted, but he settled for a cheater.”

It’s crazy how everything falls back on me, but he was the one who was cheating. He has made me look like the villain to everyone we know. I went back into the guest room and laid down.

After some hours, Darius ran into the room and told me to turn on the television while he sat at the foot of the bed. I was confused and didn’t want to watch television, but before I could protest, he took the remote from me. He turned on the news and we were shocked at what we saw.

Someone had leaked emails and messages from Jaqueline and Craig. They talked about how they received emails and messages from an anonymous source. The awards show has pulled their nominations because of his infidelity. The messages were from at least five years ago, possibly longer.

I turned it off and broke down crying again. I cried angry tears. Anger from his lies, anger from being put in the position, and anger from having been cheated on for so long.

“I knew he cheated, but for that long? Why? He could’ve ended things with me long ago instead of doing this.” I know I should not be crying about this because I want to move on with Jason, but it hurts to know that they have been having an affair for most of our marriage. I have been faithful to him for so long. I gave up so much to stay with him and I lost myself because of him.

Darius threw the pillow he was holding across the room. I had never seen my brother look so angry in my life. His dark brown eyes looked murderous as he got up from the bed. “I’m going to kill him.”

“He’s not worth it, Darius. Just let it go and don’t ruin your life for him.” This confirms that I need to move on from Craig.

My phone began to ring, and it was all calls from Craig. When I ignored his calls, he started texting, begging to see me. But I still didn’t respond. I don’t want to see him anymore unless we are signing our divorce papers.

Later that evening, Darius went out with his friends while I stayed in the room. He didn’t want to leave me since I had a bad day, but I insisted that he go. He even tried to get me to go with him, but I didn’t want to leave the room.

I wanted to call Jason and talk to him, but I was too nervous. We only shared one kiss and now my life has been in shambles. None of that is his fault or mine, but I don’t want to bring him down with me.

I heard a knock at the front door and opened the door to find Craig looking horrible. His white shirt was wrinkled, and his black sweatpants had stains on them. He stood in front of me with tears rolling down his cheeks and heavy bags under his eyes.

I took pity on him and said we could talk in his car because I didn’t want to be alone with him in the house. The fact that he cheated throughout our entire marriage made it difficult for me to want to be around him. I wanted nothing else to do with him.

We returned to his car in silence. He resembled how I was feeling, tired and exhausted. As soon as we got in, he said, “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean for all of this to happen. I love you and I want this to work. Jaqueline means nothing to me.”

I scoffed. “She means something to you. If she didn’t, it wouldn’t have happened. You cheated on me for at least five years, then had the nerve to get mad because I kissed another guy. It’s funny how the table turns and now you are embarrassed in front of the whole world. I found out about your cheating months ago, so I don’t even know why I’m so hurt now. I’m glad we don’t have kids because this would be horrible for them. I want a divorce.”

I got out of the car, slammed the door, and went back inside my brother’s house.

This little talk with him was just what I needed to stop my crying and help me move forward. I decided I was going to talk to a divorce lawyer first thing tomorrow. When Darius came home later that night, he had some girl, so I decided I’d tell him my plans later.


The next day I called a lawyer friend, Shelia, from school, as well as an old realtor friend, Mike. I met Sheila first and she brought along a divorce attorney, John. John was good-looking.

He had short brown hair, brown eyes, a round face, a sharp nose, and neither too thick nor too thin lips. He could definitely be a male model. He would be my type if I didn’t have my eyes set on Jason or he wasn’t going to be my attorney.

Shelia introduced us and told me she would catch up with me later. She left me with John, and we discussed the divorce. I was relieved he said he would try to help me get this over with as soon as possible and it would go fast if Craig doesn’t try to drag this along.

I let him know Craig was a gospel artist so he should want this to move along, but lately, he has been trying to get back with me. He told me he was familiar with my soon-to-be ex-husband already because of the gossip in the news.

Apparently, it is still being shown all over the news as well as pictures of me. John confessed he wanted to meet me because he wasn’t sure why someone would cheat on a gorgeous woman like me. I appreciated his remark and thanked him for the compliment. He gave me his card to get in touch with him about the divorce.