Page 2 of Jason

“We didn’t do anything but kiss. And yes, I told Jason I wanted to be with him, but I never said anything to you about this, Craig.”

Craig smiled smugly and said, “I know because of the camera in our rooms. What were you going to do? Fuck him in our bed? He was a good enough guy to say no until you broke it off with me.”

The air around me froze as I realized Craig had been spying on me for God knows how long. I couldn’t even make eye contact with our friends because of the hurt, betrayal, and shame I was feeling. All our friends said they would be leaving because this is something that should be between us two. Darius got up, telling Jason to find himself a way home, and left.

“Did you really have to do that in front of everyone?” I asked once the front door slammed shut. “You know how my brother feels about his friends and me. Did it feel good to embarrass me in front of your friends?”

His black eyes looked darker as he scowled at me. “Is that all you’re worried about? Being embarrassed in front of everyone? You want to leave me for another dude and think it’s okay?” Craig was throwing his hands around as he screamed at me.

“I would have never embarrassed you in front of anybody.” My guilt had turned to anger. How dare he try to call me out when he is the one cheating on me? He was the one who pushed me into another man’s arm.

“I never said anything when I was on tour with you, and you are flirting with Jaqueline right in front of my face. I didn’t even care because I thought I had a good man up until some months ago. You forgot you had the tablet connected to your phone messages. I saw the picture Jaqueline texted you and how she said she enjoyed the other night with you. So, you want to embarrass me in front of your friends, but I never say anything about you and Jaqueline? I went on to read how y’all made love to each other and how you wanted her to keep quiet because you were afraid one of your friends would tell me. Then how she begged you to leave me for her, but you said it wasn’t the best time since y’all were up for a gospel award. I could have told that in front of your friends, but I would never embarrass someone I loved in front of the people who cherish him.”

Craig was silent for a moment. “I’m sorry. It was just something spur of the moment, but I don’t want to be with her. I want to be with you. I should’ve discussed this with you and not in front of everyone.”

“No, you just wanted me to be the bad person, so when you left me it wouldn’t look like you left me for Jaqueline.”

He shook his head. “I’m not trying to leave you, baby. I was just hurt when I saw you kissing him and telling him you would leave me for him.”

“Jason is a good man,” I interrupted. “He checks on me while you’re gone for months at a time. He listens to me cry about feeling lonely when you’re gone. He is a good friend and the only reason I kissed him was because I was hurt after finding out about you two. I know two wrongs don’t make it right, but you slept with another woman. I just wanted to feel loved, even if it wasn’t from you. I don’t think we can come back from this. Not only did you cheat, but you also embarrassed me in front of everyone we know.”

I got up and tried to walk out of the house. Craig stood in front of me, begging me to stay and talk to him. I was over it, though. There was nothing left to talk about. He moved out of my way once he realized I was not going to talk to him anymore.

I couldn’t stop the tears as I drove to my brother’s house. As soon as he opened the door, he could tell I had been crying.

Darius is angry as he looks at me up and down. “I know Craig didn’t hit you.”

I shook my head while walking inside and got comfortable on the couch. “He cheated on me multiple times while on tour. That’s why I kissed Jason because I was tired of him cheating on me. Craig wanted to embarrass me in front of everyone and he had no idea I knew he was cheating.”

Darius sat beside me. “Why Jason, though? Out of everybody, why my friend?”

“Jason is a good guy. He is always there for me, and he listens to me. I told him about the cheating, and he told me if I was his woman, he would never cheat on me. He confessed he had feelings for me but wouldn’t act on them because I was married and your sister. Don’t be mad at him. It was all me. I made the first move.”

“But Jason is like a brother to us. We have been friends since childhood.”

I shook my head. “No, Jason is like a brother to you. He is a good friend and respects y’all’s friendship so much that he has liked me since childhood, but never said anything because of you. But enough about Jason. Can I stay here for a couple of days?”

“You already know you’re welcome here whenever,” Darius said.

I was glad my brother was too occupied with thinking of me and Jason to fully realize I was being cheated on by my husband. I know once he gets over the Jason aspect, then he will want to punish Craig for what he did to me.


Craig pulled up to Darius’ house when he couldn’t get in touch with me. He seemed happy to see me and begged me to come home, but I wouldn’t. I told him I needed time to myself. He finally left, and I went to the guest room down the hall on the right. I love this room, as it has its own bathroom and a walk-in closet.

I get comfortable on the king-size bed, pulling my purple duvet over my body, and staring at the gray walls while I try to forget about everything that happened today. I was so glad I had extra clothes at my brother’s house. I sometimes spend the night here while Craig is on tour and I’m lonely.

I have been holed up in the room since everything went down two days ago. My head hurts from all the crying, and I’m sure I look like hell. I’m not crying because I still want to be with Craig. I’m upset that I got embarrassed in front of everyone I know. I have a bad habit of letting what people think get to me. I can only imagine the things they are saying about me, and that is why I’m in tears. It’s pathetic, I know, but I can’t help it.

I decided it would be best for me to text Jason and apologize for everything I put him through. He was a really good guy and didn’t deserve to be in my scandal.

D: I’m sorry, Jason. I know this is what you wanted to avoid, but I made it worse for us. Well, I hope that there is still an “us” after this.

J: We are good, Dawn, and it’s not your fault. He did that so when his affairs come out, he wouldn’t look like the bad guy.

D: I’m also sorry about Darius. I know how my brother can be and I don’t want to get in between you guys. You all have been friends too long for me to mess all of that up.

J: Don’t worry about Darius and me. We will be fine. I just want you to be okay and if not, just let me know how I can make you feel better.