Page 51 of Finding Us Again

I don’t know if he saw my concern, but he assured me, “I’m not going to say anything. Jackson may be my nephew, but you are my patient. What are your initial thoughts?”

“I cannot have that monster’s child,” my voice trailed off as grief, and fear, and regret, and anger and so many other emotions I was too overwhelmed to identify barreled through me.

“Then we need to do the test soon,” Liam said.

My phone dinged. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw Jackson had texted.


Where’d you go, sugar? Do you have people with you?


I had a PT appointment. I brought Marcie, Lucia, and Hayden with me.

I hated lying to him.


I thought you were done with PT last week.


No. I have PT the rest of the week to make up the days I’m missing for the wedding.

For several minutes, he didn’t respond, and that scared me. Had he guessed I was lying to him?


Will this wrap up your PT?


Yeah. At least, that’s the story today.


Well, shit. Morgan needs me to come to Pittsburgh early to help with wedding shit. Will you be alright here at the house with my parents if I head out early?


Yeah. I’ll be fine. Will I see you before you leave?


No. Probably Not. He chartered a plane. It’s waiting at the airport.


Oh. Okay, then. I’ll catch up with you in a few days.


Absolutely sugar. I love you.


I love you too Jackson. So much.