Page 52 of Finding Us Again

I sighed.

Well, ain’t that just great.

I looked up at the ceiling. “How long do I have to make a decision?”

Liam clicked a few buttons on his keyboard and replied, “A couple of weeks. If you want the testing done beforehand, you and Jackson will need to come in together. You’ll need another blood draw, and Jackson will need a cheek swab. Then, it takes about a week to get the results back.”

“Well, Jackson is flying out to Pittsburgh at the moment. So what if I bring in his hairbrush or toothbrush?”

Liam didn’t hide his surprise well at all. “Umm, well, he probably took both of them with him. Don’t you think?”

I nodded absently. “So, is there anything I can do in the meantime?”

“Normally, I’d recommend an ultrasound, but I’m not sure how you’ll feel about it,” Liam suggested.

Confused, I asked, “What do you mean?”

Liam steepled his fingers, threading and unthreading them as he gazed at me. “It’s a vaginal procedure at this point in your pregnancy.”

Gooseflesh rolled over my skin, breaking me out in a cold sweat at the prospect. Taking a deep breath, I blew it out forcefully,letting the air puff my cheeks. “Will it tell us anything? Give us any indication?”

Liam sighed. The poor man was probably sick of me.Iwas sick of me.

“According to the conversation I had with Dr. Cole, you and Jackson were intimate very close to when you were assaulted,” Liam stated.

I nodded. As awkward as it was to be discussing this with Jackson’s uncle, I trusted Liam to shoot straight and not sugarcoat.

“If you conceived in that timeframe, no. But based on your last period, your likely date of conception is the week before you were taken. So, it’s possible we could see a much more advanced pregnancy than your worst-case scenario.”

I weighed my options. With Jackson on his way to Pennsylvania, settling this while he was out of state would be ideal.

“Can I get the ultrasound done now?” I asked.

“It might take a bit, but I’ll get you squeezed in,” Liam said.

He called for a nurse and asked her to schedule me for the ultrasound. She didn’t bat an eye when she looked at me and then back at Liam, who told her to add the test to the chart for Jane Doe from the day before.

When she left the room, he asked, “Have you eaten?”

I shook my head no. I’d not been awake long when he messaged me. Not that I would have eaten much of anything anyway. I never had an appetite anymore.

“Well, let’s grab your entourage and get some food. You’ve lost a substantial amount of weight based on your size. No reason to let you keep withering away to nothing.”

Just as the five of us finished eating, Liam was paged to Radiology. He escorted the others and me down to ultrasound and then back to his office after I was finished. I’d had pelvic exams, but having a vaginal ultrasound was the oddest experience. Plus, the tech wouldn’t tell me anything. She kept the screen turned away from me, and whenever I asked a question, she said she wasn’t allowed to point anything out. She did hand me some printed black and white photos before sending me off with Liam.

Once Liam and I were back in his office with Lucia, Marcie, and Hayden waiting outside the door, I offered the photos to Liam. He refused them, picking up his tablet before sitting next to me. He tapped away on the screen until he pulled up a video that looked like the photos I held.

“I hope you know I have no clue what you’re trying to show me,” I chuckled mirthlessly. “Just tell me what I’m looking at and if the news is good or bad.”

He laughed as well. “Well…what you’re seeing is your baby. This is Baby A.” He pointed at a blob of fuzzy white lines and then at a second blob that looked the same as the first, “and this is Baby B. However, the approximate gestational age is at the end of what we’re estimating for your ovulation cycle, so paternity is still inconclusive.”

I stared at him.

Did he say Baby A and Baby B?

I wet my lips. “Did you say Baby A and Baby B?”

He nodded.