The older man looks over at the sound of his name and holds out his hand to me. “Nice to meet you.”
I shake his hand. “Noah Brooks. It’s nice to meet you. I know the sisters appreciate you making the trip to practice with them.”
“We were thinking about taking a vacation anyway, and this is a lovely place for it. Jesse’s just glad to have an opportunity to play.”
“So you’ll be in town for a while?”
He nods. “We’re staying at a cabin over at Nora’s Inn and Vineyards. Beautiful area.” He winks. “Heard we might catch a peek at Bigfoot.”
“We’ve been looking for him,” Max pipes up, his eyes wide. “He’s hard to find.”
Alan turns back to Max, asking him questions about the best places to look for Bigfoot.
“Speaking of Bigfoot,” Grant says in a low voice. “You promised to tell me the rest of the story about your sighting of him.”
“I will. Just maybe not in front of Max.”
Grant nods and glances at the kid chatting away happily. “The Sullivans are coming in tonight, and the rest of the clan will arrive this weekend for the battle of the bands and probably family games all weekend.”
Now that sounds like just the distraction I need. “Looking forward to it.”
I grab a glass of water and head upstairs to shower and dress.
Daisy fills my thoughts as usual as I get ready. She didn’t forget her sisters when they needed her. She’s loyal to the people she loves and, though she might work too hard, she doesn’t do it at the expense of doing what she can for her family.
It’s become clearer and clearer that I judged Daisy too harshly.
Chapter Thirty-One
Sadie’s eyes fill with tears as she smiles at me over the waffles I made for our Saturday morning breakfast.
“Stop.” I put a hand on her knee, where it’s curled up under her on the couch. “I’ve already had to do my make-up twice this morning.”
“Why are you wearing make-up, anyway? It’s going to clog the hell out of your pores.”
“You know why. This has to be perfect if I have any hope—”
The doorbell sounds which is bizarre. Usually we have to buzz people up before they can get to our doorbell.
Sadie is out of her seat on the couch and to the door before I can finish blinking. “I’ve got it.”
She flings the door open and her eyes go wide.
From my seat on the couch, I can see her face, but not whoever is at the door.
“Is she here?” a familiar voice asks. “I’m sure she doesn’t want to see me and I don’t blame her. I fucked up. I never should have told her we couldn’t be friends.”
Sadie glances at me. “How did you get up here?”
“One of your neighbors held the door for me. Look, I was an asshole. I know. And I don’t deserve her to hear me out or forgive me, but I love her. I’m in love with her. And I’m willing to do whatever it takes to get her back. Because she’s my home.I’ve been looking for home for so long and I thought I’d found it, but—”
I set my waffles on the coffee table and cross the room to see Noah is here, standing in the doorway to Sadie’s apartment. He’s blurry, because my damn make-up is getting ruined by my tears again, but I’ve never seen anyone more beautiful.
He catches sight of me. “Daisy. You’re my home. I love you. Is there any chance you can forgive me?”
“Noah, I—”