“It won’t be easy. I get that. Long distance sucks. But it’ll just be until I can find a replacement for myself at the clinic. It looks like it won’t be long before I’m able to hire on a second doctor and as soon as the clinic can run without me, I’ll move up here with you. If that’s what you want.”
My throat is so tight I can’t speak.
Sadie moves to the side, tears streaming down her cheeks now, and Noah steps inside, looking nervous and hopeful and so, so fucking handsome. Even though his hair is a mess and it looks like he hasn’t shaved in a week.
“Maybe just think about it?” he says. “It’s a lot for me to throw at you all at once.”
“I don’t need to think about it.” Tears choke my voice. “I don’t want you to move here.”
The hope leaves his face and his shoulders slump. “Okay. I get it. I don’t like it, but I get it.”
“No.” I’m messing this all up. “I want you, Noah. I love you. I just don’t want—”
His smile is wide and lights up the room. He grabs me, wrapping his warm arms around me, and lifts me off my feet.
I squeal and laugh, sinking into his embrace and dropping my face into his neck to press kisses there.
It’s a total movie moment until Noah trips on the running shoes I left by the door this morning and stumbles.
Somehow, he twists so I land on top of him, but we both hit the floor with an “Oooof.”
For a moment, I just lay there, holding on tight to him, listening to his heartbeat beneath my ear. He gasps and I realize he’s struggling.
I lift my head to see his expression is pinched, like he’s in pain.
“Oh, no. You’re hurt.” I try to get off him, but we landed between the coffee table and the couch, so the only off is up. On the way up, I manage to elbow him in the ribs and nearly knee him in the balls. I get him in his thigh instead and he winces, but doesn’t make a sound.
“I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”
He grimaces as he gets up. “I’m great now that I’ve caught the breath that was knocked out of me. Couple of broken ribs, a broken femur, and a bruised butt bone. I’ll survive.”
I swat his shoulder. “I did not break your ribs or your femur.”
He rubs his belly. “It sure feels like it. Do you sharpen your elbows at night?”
I narrow my eyes. “No, I do it during the day so my future victims know exactly what they’re in for.”
He smiles, his eyes softening. “I love you and your pointy elbows.”
I want to keep glaring at him, but I can’t manage it. I fall right into his arms. “I love you too.”
He steps back, hands on my shoulders, keeping me at arm's length. “Then why won’t you let me move here to be close to you?”
“Oh,” I say, joy welling up. “Because I’m moving back to Catalpa Creek. To stay.”
He stares at me, but he’s frowning when he should smile and jump for joy. Doesn’t he want me to move back?
“Your dream job is here,” he says slowly. “You can’t give that up. Long distance is hard, but we can make it work. You don’t have to choose between me and your career.”
I cup his scruffy face in my hand and kiss him for being the most amazing man I’ve ever met.
Immediately, his hands go to my ass and I feel him hardening against me. It’s been far, far too long since I’ve had sex with this man.
Sadie clears her throat. Then clears it again. It takes a long moment for reality to sink in and Noah either didn’t hear her or he doesn’t care, because he’s gripping my hair in one hand and is pulling my head back so he can kiss his way down my neck.
I’m really liking this desperate with missing me, sex-starved Noah, and I get so lost in the feel of his lips on my skin that I forget all about Sadie.
“Stop kissing,” Sadie yells. “And pay attention to me.”