“I can’t wait to meet her, either,” Andi said, rubbing her tummy and looking down fondly at it. “Though as much as I can’t wait, I’m not looking forward to getting my period again.”
I froze, my entire body stiffening in panic as her words washed over me.
Oh, god. When was the last time I’d had my period? I was late, wasn’t I? Only by a few days. But the nausea, the general blah feeling I’d been experiencing the last few days…
Inside, my wolf was content, proud, and excited, even. But behind that was a hint of what could only be described as motherly protectiveness, that instinct to take care of her cub. It was something I’d never experienced before, but it was unmistakable at the same time.
Oh, shit.
Oh. Shit.
I’m pregnant.
My entire body was locked in place as my mind began spinning. There was only one person it could be. Klyte was the only person I’d had sex with in months. I was pregnant with Klyte’s child.
“Jenn, you all right?” Freya asked.
All four heads turned toward me, and I suddenly felt like I was under a spotlight. They had to know. There was no way they didn’t know; it was so obvious. If anything, they had to at leastsmell it. It didn’t take long after conception for a shifter’s scent to change.
But their faces gave no indication that they had figured it out. They only looked confused and concerned.
“Just stressed,” I managed to squeak.
“With all the stuff going on, I don’t blame you,” Georgia said.
“I’m going to help with the search after I’m done here,” Evelyn said. “I’ll find the asshole and tear his throat out for you. Or if I don’t, I’ll at least keep you updated.”
“Thanks,” I said, standing and stretching. “I need a bit of fresh air.”
Georgia and Evelyn stood up as well. “We’ll go with you,” Georgia said.
“No, no,” I said a little too quickly. “I love hanging out with you ladies, but I, uh, need some time to myself.”
“You do realize that Malcolm will murder us if we let you go off on your own,” Andi pointed out.
Evelyn snorted and rolled her eyes. “Forget Malcolm, I’m more worried about Klyte,” she said. “I don’t know if you noticed, but he’s pretty protective of you.”
Hah. He was about to be even more protective of me once he found out. “I’ll handle Klyte,” I said, moving toward the back door and the woods beyond before any of them could stop me. I stripped before stepping outside.
The warm breeze brushed against my skin, and a moment later, it caressed my blond fur as my wolf stretched her front legs before running into the woods. I let her take over, darting between the trees and relishing the feel of the earth beneath ourpaws. It had been too long since I’d last gotten to shift and get out of the house for more than a few minutes, and the fresh, earthy air was invigorating.
We ran for what had to have been an hour, and as I did, I let my brain turn off, trying to let things settle before thinking hard about it. Because I was going to have to think hard about it, and I wanted to delay it as much as possible.
Finally, we came to a large brook in the middle of the woods. My wolf slowed, taking a long drink from the stream. My mind was clearer than it had been earlier, the storm in my head dissipating, at least enough to sort everything out. I shifted back.
I was naked. I’d completely forgotten to grab a spare set of clothes, but it wasn’t like anyone was going to come across me anytime soon. I sat on the side of the stream, holding my knees against my chest.
I was pregnant. God, how could I have been so stupid? I should have been more careful. But it happened so quickly. I’d lost track of my cycle and didn’t even think. Something about the fact that it had happened that fast made the whole thing worse.
I didn’t want this. I wasn’t ready to be a parent or look after a cub. I was going to be terrible at it. All I’d wanted was sex. If I’d thought with something other than my sex drive, this wouldn’t have happened.
There were consequences to every action, and I should have seen this coming. What was I going to do? How was I supposed to take care of a baby? I wasn’t ready.
Tears began to blur my vision and I wiped them hastily away. I don’t think I’d been this scared in years. Even Isaac hadn’t terrified me like this. This was something completely different. It was on an entirely new level.
There were two things that amplified my fears. The first, obviously, was Klyte. I didn’t know how he’d react. Up until now, most of our relationship had been sex. Even though I couldn’t deny my growing feelings for him. Which made the whole thing worse. It was supposed to be just sex, but it had turned into more, which was terrifying in itself. Adding a kid to the mix muddied the waters even further. I would have been better off just saying ‘no’ that first night. But I’d let urges take over common sense. And this was the result.
But no matter how I felt about him, the fact remained that he had already run off and ghosted me once before. Who was to say he wouldn’t do something like that again? I didn’t know whether he wanted kids or not. And I couldn’t imagine he would want them this way, no matter what other feelings he might have had on the subject.