“I am,” I said. “It’s just…I’m worried about what’s going to happen later. Klyte and I don’t have the best track record when it comes to not fighting. And I have no idea if this is just sex or if there’s more to it. And we’re keeping it low-key right now, definitely hiding it from Dad. The whole thing is just…weird.”
She nodded, her short black hair bobbing. “I get it,” she said. “But don’t worry about it too much. As far as I can tell, Klyte seems like a decent guy. He isn’t the same kid you grew up with. And based on the way I caught him looking at you when you were arguing with your dad about not needing a bodyguard, I don’t think he plans on going anywhere anytime soon. And don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. Not that there’s anyone for me to tell any of this to.”
I snorted. “Don’t worry. You’ll be up and moving about in no time. I promise.”
“I hope so,” Freya said, then she hesitated. “You’re not worried about Isaac?”
I took a deep breath, running my fingers through my hair as I tried to figure out the best way to answer. “I am,” I admitted. “The guy’s an obsessed and dangerous lunatic. But I also know that the Silver Wolves are probably the best shot anyone has of finding him and putting a stop to him. Dad trained them well. At this point, I feel like worrying a whole lot isn’t going to help anyone.”
Freya nodded, chewing the inside of her lip. “I’m so sorry,” she said. “I tried not to tell him, but…”
“Don’t apologize,” I said. “You did the right thing. He would have hurt you even worse if you hadn’t. And I happen tolike you.” I reached over and enveloped her in a hug. “Things will get sorted out,” I reassured her. “I have total confidence in that.”
I groaned and closed my eyes as I leaned my forehead against the cool marble surface of the counter, letting the sensation wash over me soothingly.
I had no idea what was wrong with me. I’d just been feeling blah for a couple of days. On top of that, there still hadn’t been any word of Isaac, and I was beginning to get worried.
“You all right?” a familiar voice asked. A hand went to my shoulder, rubbing gently. Just the sensation of Klyte’s fingers was enough to make me give a soft moan of satisfaction.
“Just a little queasy,” I said, pushing myself back up. “Probably not eating right. Been a weird few days, you know?”
“Yeah, I know.” He walked to the fridge, taking out eggs, bacon, and sausage.
“What are you doing?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Definitely not fixing you breakfast or anything like that,” he said.
“I’m fine,” I muttered. “I don’t need breakfast.”
“You’re about to deal with Georgia, Evelyn, and Andi,” he said. “Trust me when I say you’re going to need all the strength you can get. Love those girls, but when they get together…” He grinned and winked. “Or maybe I’m just making sure you don’t wither away on me. I happen to like the way you look right now.”
“I like the girls,” I said. “Freya does, too.”
In fact, I was looking forward to seeing some familiar faces other than Klyte and Freya. Isaac was still on the loose, and we still had no word on where he was. I’d been cooped up for weeks now.
Klyte raised a finger, almost pedantically. “Doesn’t mean that you don’t need breakfast.”
I rolled my eyes but stopped arguing. But when he put the breakfast in front of me, my stomach churned unpleasantly at the smell, and I only picked at the bacon.
“You okay?” he asked. His brow was creased with concern, and he looked from my unfinished plate to me.
“Yeah,” I said, smiling. “Like I said, not hungry.”
He made a face at me but didn’t protest. “Don’t come crying to me when the women emotionally exhaust you.”
“Please. They only torment you and the rest of the boys.” I slid off the stool and made my way toward the stairs. “Us girls have an understanding and a far different relationship when you guys aren’t there.”
“I love your shirt,” Georgia said to Andi while we all lounged in the living room. Even Freya had come downstairs. Her bruises were mostly gone now, and she’d gotten more comfortable, though there was still an almost peaked look to her features.
“Thanks,” Andi said, glancing down at the flowy shirt covering her now-prominent baby bump. “It’s nice being able to have some good maternity clothes. Last time, I felt like I was in a burlap sack every day.”
“I know,” Georgia said, nodding. “When I was pregnant with Elle, it was just baggy clothes all the time.”
“I can’t wait to meet her,” Evelyn said, settling back on the couch with a wide grin on her freckly face. “I’m going to be a great fake aunt.”