Page 55 of Fool's Desire

"I asked Desi to marry me yesterday, and she agreed," he told them both, aware that Joel had taken a step or two closer, a tortured expression on his face.

"No!" Jake wasn't sure Joel even realised he'd uttered the word until his father turned to him in confusion.

"No? What do you mean, no? It doesn't affect the takeover bid, son! In fact, getting that woman married into the family is the best possible news!" Joseph enthused. "Unless she'd agreed to marry you, of course." He waved at Joel. "That would have been even better." He glanced back at Jake. "No offence, Jake, but that woman would have made a fine daughter-in-law. What do you mean she's threatening to break it off?"

"She feels that our relationship has compromised her position with United Holdings." He waited a bit for that to sink in. "And she's panicking that news of our relationship will damage her reputation because of the speculation that will be caused due to the takeover. It all casts Desi in a rather bad light. She's wondering if quitting is enough or whether she needs to take it a step further."

Joseph had started pacing back and forth across the plush hotel carpet, tapping his finger against his lips and Joel had slumped back in his seat with an unfocussed look in his eyes.

Joseph swung back towards him. "Do you have any suggestions?" he asked.

"Actually, I do," Jake stated confidently. "I suggest you withdraw the takeover bid in favour of a merger. If you do that, I'll persuade Desi to rescind her resignation." He waited a beat before adding, "She'll have to start working part time fairly soon, though. We're planning to start a family straight away."

The noise Jake knew Joel had made was drowned out by Joseph clapping his hands in glee. "Perfect!" he bellowed, rubbing his palms together. "Consider it done! The takeover is by no means a sure thing, but marriage and children…that's a far more permanent move. Backed by a merger with Universal, we can't fail. Yes, this is absolutely perfect. Now, get out of here and sort things out with that young lady of yours."

Jake shook his uncle's hand and grinned, heading for the door.

"Babies, eh?" he could hear Joseph murmuring happily under his breath. The man was really a bit of an old softie when it came to family.

Jake hadn't made it to the elevator before Joel caught up to him. He pursed his lips and braced himself, wondering what his cousin would have to say.

Joel launched right in. "You can't do this."

I beg your pardon?"

"You can't marry Desi," Joel repeated.

"I hate to burst your bubble, buddy, but there's pretty much nothing that's going to stop that now."

"You don't love her," Joel implored.

Jake laughed and shook his head. "Of course, I do!" he told his cousin.

"Okay, but you're not in love with her. Not like I…" he trailed off.

"Not like what, Joel? Not like you're in love with Anita? Cos I'm pretty sure that Desi and I have a hell of a lot more going for us than you and that piranha. Or has Anita suddenly had a change of heart and embraced the kink? Oh, wait! Maybe you're going to give it all up for her? Hell, maybe it's true love, after all, if that's the case." Jake scoffed sarcastically, "Cos I sure as hell can't imagine that she's going to let you carry on taking subs at the club. Will she even let you continue ownership of the club, Joel? You know, with us 'perverts'. Let me know when you have to sell up, cuz. I'll be happy to buy you out."

Joel's face grew darker and darker. "Anita knows nothing about the club," he hissed.

Jake nodded. "So, it's a safe bet to assume that she won't be joining us, then. So, what, you planning to be unfaithful before you're even married are you, Joel?"

"This isn't about me!" Joel snapped. "You and Desi are not right for each other."

Jake raised a sceptical eyebrow. "And just how do you work that out, huh? Because I can tell you right now that Desi and I have a damn lot going for us, buddy. We're friends. I care about her more than any other woman who's been in my life. I understand her kink…and we both know that she'll take my whip."

Joel's face contorted, but Jake pressed on, "But even more than that, we understand and respect each other, Joel. We want the same things."

"Surely, she's not what you really want?" Joel said weakly, bracing against the wall with one arm and looking at the floor.

"She's beautiful and sweet and funny and, unlike some people, I'm not stupid enough to throw that away." Jake looked pointedly at his cousin.

"And let's face it, I don't exactly have women lining up like you do, thanks to the likes of Anita and her fucking nasty tongue. Desi accepts me for who I am. You want to start analysing anyone's relationship, Joel, then I suggest you do it to your own. Does Anita accept you for who you are, Joel? Does she even know who you are, what you like, what your kinks are? Will you actually tell her, or are you planning to spend your whole married life living a lie?"

"That's not the point," Joel gritted out between clenched teeth.

"The point is that I won't be living a lie, Joel. Desi and I know exactly where we stand and exactly where we're heading."

"But you don't love her," Joel gasped.