Page 102 of Not in the Plan

Mack obviously knew her dad was building a shed in the yard. He or one of his crew had been there daily for the past three weeks. The shed would be for storage, or at least that was what Charlie told Mack. And she made Mack pinkie promise to not look inside because Charlie wanted to surprise her with her mad organization skills.

A rock got in their path and Mack stumbled. She clutched at Charlie’s hand while she toed around the ground. “Am I gonna die?”

Charlie giggled and held her steady. “Trust me.”

Mack twisted her mouth in feigned disbelief. “I once had a scene that started exactly like this. Blindfolds and an unsuspecting woman. And the serial killer said the same thing.”

After the editor at the publishing house read Mack’s story and loved it, Viviane immediately barreled in and negotiated a three-book deal. Mack spent the last six months writing in Charlie’s bedroom, the coffee shop, or sometimes at her parents’. A half dozen times she even cheated and went to a different coffee shop. Mack was a trooper, for damn sure, but Charlie knew Mack craved her own space. And honestly, Charlie did, too. Being in a relationship: awesome. Being alone: also awesome. Neither of them was giving up needed personal time.

She kissed Mack on the cheek and firmed her grip on her side.

“If I trip on something, I swear to God someone’s gonna pay.” Mack grinned.

Charlie giggled and loosened the blindfold. “Ready? Open!”

Mack blinked multiple times and squinted into the space. The “shed” was a creative area with stark white walls, one bamboo plant that Charlie was mildly confident Mack couldn’t kill, and a custom bookshelf with books lined up in rainbow order. Ifshe would’ve had the space, she would have added a custom hammock, massage chair, and pet unicorn. Sadly, a 20 ft x 20 ft structure didn’t allow for those things. But one last surprise remained.

“Do you like it?” Charlie asked after too many moments passed of Mack not saying anything. “I didn’t buy the desk or chair because I didn’t know what you’d like, and we can paint the walls and remove the bookshelf and… whatever you need. I know you need a quiet and freakishly clean space, and I can’t always give that to you, so I thought?—”

“Wait. Is this for me?” Mack’s mouth popped open in shock. “This isn’t for storage?”

“Nope!” Smiling so widely made Charlie’s jaw begin to ache. She bounced on her toes and clasped Mack’s hand to tug her inside.

Placing her hands on her hips, Mack looked around for several moments before she moved to the bookshelf. She traced her hands across the perfectly aligned books and inhaled. “For me?” she repeated.

“Yes! For you.” Charlie wrapped her hands around Mack’s waist and kissed her on the cheek. “You’ve put up with my mess for months, and I thought you’d want a disaster-free station.”

Mack briefly rested her head against Charlie’s. “Oh, come on. It’s not that bad. And you’ve perfected the art of hospital corners.”

That statement was actually true. Over the crash course ofreally-getting-to-know-yousince they moved in together, Mack learned how to make every drink on Sugar Mugs’s menu, how to use the multiple products in the shower, and that no one would die if the shoes were not evenly lined up against the wall. Charlie learned the difference between iron settings, that joy in cleanliness did exist, and that color-coordinating her closet was more valuable than she’d realized.

She also learned how to love without fear.

Charlie tugged Mack’s hand over to a cabinet, her heart thumping. She was damn near giddy with excitement. “I have one more surprise. Ready? Check this out.” She swung the door open to showcase a wall-mounted ironing board with anM & Cemblem.

“An iron board with our initials?” Mack squealed and ran her flatted palm against the base. “Okay, you’re seriously the best. Do you know that?”

Lips pressed against Charlie’s cut her off from all other words. Her knees buckled—they always did—until Mack pulled back.

“God, I love you,” Mack said, and kissed the top of her head.

Charlie rested her head on Mack’s shoulder. A year ago, she’d never imagined she’d be standing in a shed on her property with the love of her life, a successful business, and her soul filled. After an unhealthy relationship, coming to terms with her father, and fighting to learn about herself, she finally found what she needed.

A partner.


If you were hooked on Charlie and Mack’s story and want more lesbian romances (plus more Ben), you’ll adoreIn Walked Trouble. Remi’s greatest dream is about to come true when gorgeous work rival Maya gets in the way. Could it be time for a new dream…? GetIn Walked Troublehere.

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She's met her match…


Today was the day. Today was absolutely, hands down, without a doubt,the day.