Page 101 of Not in the Plan

The soft, sad tone crushed Mack. Of course Charlie was hurt. She had every right to be. To know that someone used you, at least at first, would destroy anyone.

No more delays. Mack had to tell her everything. “The second I saw, you were like… a painting. I was so drawn in by you.” Mack leaned against the wall, unsure if she should sit on the bed by Charlie. “You were everything I wasn’t. You have this aura and joy that radiated from you, and I was obsessed with finding out how a human like you existed.”

Charlie stopped picking at her polish.

Mack’s chest tightened. She wanted to shut up and dive under the covers. Charlie’s silence was more than a little unnerving, and Mack couldn’t read her solemn expression. She scratched the back of her neck and choked back a cough.

No more waiting. Go time.

“I got blocked when I started writing because Shelby wasn’t real. Something was missing with her… some authenticity. And the more you shared your heart with me, the more I absorbed your energy and life, and the more Shelby became real.”

She pushed herself off the wall and paced the room. The floor absorbed her heavy footsteps as the word tsunami in her head took shape.

“In the beginning, I used your stories. And God, I’m so sorry. I thought it’d be a few weeks, and I’d go back to the city, and you’d just be some person from a coffee shop.” Mack’s lips trembled. “But for the first time, I felt something so pure and real, and I finally understood love and loss. That’s where the inspiration comes for how Shelby feels about her love, and the lengths she went through to save her. To save them. Being with you, feeling all this, I know what it’s like now to be willing to lose everything to save one thing.”

The bed creaked as Charlie slowly stood, her eyebrows folded and tears welling.

Oh God. Was she done? Mack froze, unsure if Charlie would stomp out of the room or stay. Mack raced to every plausible scenario to salvage what might be left. Drop to her knees and beg. Run down the hall chasing after her. Bury herself in a blanket and never return.

But instead of stomping out of the room, Charlie rushed towards her with open arms. She cried on Mack’s shoulder, her body folding into Mack’s. “I love you.” Her hoarse voice was barely above a whisper.

The relief was something Mack could write about for years. A dam that broke. A balloon that burst. A geyser that fire-hosed love and tears propelled her off her feet. She lifted Charlie to her toes and buried her head in the crook of her neck.

“I love you so much.” Mack exhaled the fear of the last several days. “I’m so sorry… so, so, sorry.”

Charlie’s breath was warm against Mack’s neck, and Mack didn’t let go until her arms quivered. She held Charlie’s hand and stumbled back to the bed. Cradled in each other’s arms, minutes ticked by before anyone spoke.

“Not all of this is on you. I shouldn’t have run. That’s not what committed people do,” Charlie whispered as she trailed her fingers across Mack’s arm. “I loved the character Shelby so much. She is strong and fierce and amazing.”

Mack kissed the top of her coconut-scented head. “She’s everything you are.”

Charlie shifted up onto her elbows. “No. She’s everythingyouare.”

Mack cupped Charlie’s face and pulled her in. Charlie’s soft lips against hers was everything she’d ever needed. Nothing in her life had prepared her to love someone like this. From here on out, Mack planned to spend the rest of her life savoring these moments and fiercely protecting their happiness.

“I know it’s kind of late…” Charlie whispered. “But do you want to go get a latte?”

Mack snuggled in closer and put her mouth against Charlie’s ear. “I thought you’d never ask.”



Nine months later

A cherry blossom-scented breeze combined with the sunny spring day was the whipped cream topping to Charlie’s incredible week. She’d tried playing it cool all day but was currently at a golden-retriever-puppy level of hyper.

The soggy grass squished between her feet as she gripped Mack’s hips and steered her to the side. “Cover your eyes!”

“You literally have me blindfolded,” Mack said, slapping at the air in front of her. “I’m just wondering where the pink fuzzy handcuffs are at this point.”

“Ooh. Good call. Adding that to the list.”

“I love that list.”

Charlie put her mouth up to Mack’s ear. “Me too.”

When Mack moved in six months ago, she’d only brought clothes, books, and pictures. Charlie had said a silent prayer of thanks to the home gods because her place was already busting at the seams. No matterhow much she decluttered over the years, it wasn’t enough.