Page 90 of Not in the Plan

Charlie slapped the dripping mop across the room. “Mack finished her book! Which means I get to spend actual quality time with my girlfriend. I literally cannot wait. I just want to… ugh… I just want to squeeze her.”

“You’re both sweet and kind of terrifying.” He grabbed the mop from her and bumped her toward the door. “Just go. I got this.”

“You sure?” She drummed her feet against the floor in a tiny dance. “I really love you sometimes, you know that?”

“Yep.” He grinned and blew her an air kiss.

The dusting of clouds in the sky did little to dull the bright sun as she sprinted to her car. She tossed her apron on the back seat and gave herself a quick sniff test. Usually, she would take a shower after work before seeing Mack. But tonight, everything took second place to getting to Mack. She slapped some vanilla-scented lotion on aftershe pulled off the highway and popped a mint into her mouth.

The last month had been a master class in self-reflection. Mack warned her she’d be a ghost for several weeks as she finished her manuscript. But during those nights, instead of repeatedly checking for messages, Charlie refocused her energy. Home organization shows became her obsession. She ordered a stupid amount of containers for her pantry—that she could now afford thanks to Kelli—and Marie Kondo’d the heck out of her closet. She created a new seasonal drink menu. And she finally coordinated the fall Sunday reading hour schedule with several local drag queens.

She speed-walked from her car to Mack’s parents’ condo and almost skipped down the hall to their place.

Kelli swung the door open and tugged her in for a hug. “Hey, you! Wow, you’re early. I think Mack wasn’t expecting you for at least another hour.”

“I couldn’t wait any longer.” Charlie removed her shoes at the entrance. “How are you?”

“Good. Drew’s working late tonight.Thank God. I need a moment to myself. Promise you’ll never tell him I said that.” She chuckled. “We still on for manicures on Monday?”


“Someday, we’ll force Mack to go with us. You’d think with how sore her wrists are she’d like the massage… but she never listens to me.”

Knowing what she knew about Mack, it’d be a cold day in hell before she’d let someone groom and polish her nails. “Let me see what I can do. Maybe I’ll promise to take her for Puerto Rican food after.”

“Good.” Kelli nodded her head towards the hall. “Mack’s in her room. Go ahead and head in there.”

Charlie bolted and knocked on Mack’s partially open door.

The desk chair nearly knocked over when Mack jumped up and raced over to Charlie. She wrapped her arms around her and nuzzled into her neck. “God, I’ve missed you.”

A faint whisper of rose and mint drifted from Mack’s skin, and Charlie melted as she inhaled. She cupped Mack’s face and pressed her mouth against hers.

“Never again am I going this long without seeing you.” Mack locked their fingers together and brushed her lips across Charlie’s knuckles.

“Babe,” Charlie whispered. “It’s been three days.”

“I know! I hated it.”

Charlie grinned at the irony. A lifetime of codependence, and the three days apart was the most secure she’d felt in a relationship. She didn’t love being away from Mack. This entire month she missed her. But she was okay. Thriving, even.

Charlie trailed her gaze up Mack and lifted her eyebrow. “Oh my.”


“You’re wrinkled.”

Mack patted her shirt with a frown. “I am. And un-showered. And disgusting. Sorry, I thought I’d have time to clean up before you got here. Mind if I hop in real quick? No one needs to see me in this condition.”

“You still look beautiful. Messy hair and all.”

“See! I’m an embarrassment.” A cheeky grin flashed across Mack’s face. “Wanna join me?”

It took every ounce of willpower for Charlie to be respectful in Mack’s parents’ home and decline the invite. “Um. Yes. But no. Your mom’s here. I’m not adding that type of karma to my world.”

“Seriously? No fun. We’re adults. I’ll just tell her to turn the TV up.”

“I sincerely hope you’re kidding. ’Cause ewww.” Charlie shook her head. “So, bad news… I called Nueve’s, and they’re booked up tonight. We gotta choose somewhere else.”