“How about we celebrate in the bedroom?” Mack tried to keep her voice low and sexy, but it cracked, and she laughed.
“That was seriously cheesy. Come on, I’m hungry.”
“Me too.” Mack attempted a growl. “Okay, I’m done. Yes, yes, dinner sounds amazing.”
“What time can I see you?”
“Now. Literally now. I can’t wait a second more.”
The phone shook as Charlie walked back out to the lobby. “Okay, I’m going to close up early and head your way.”
After they hung up, Mack plugged in her earbuds to pace the room and FaceTimed Viviane.
“Tell me something good,” Viviane said when she answered.
“It’s done.”
“Thank you, Jesus.” Viviane slapped her hand against her heart. “Woman, you had me a little nervous there. How you feeling about it?”
“Good. But it’s sort of like someone qualifying for the Boston Marathon after two years of training. Like how they might not be sure that once they got there, they’d actually complete the run.”
“Not sure I’m following. You mean because the editor still needs to review?”
Mack bit on the corner of her lips. “I, uh, changed way more than what we chatted about last month.”
Viviane kept the phone on her face as she walked to her den and sat down. “Exactly how much?”
“Ah…” Mack tugged and twisted on the bottom of her T-shirt. Heat flushed her face. She hated that she kept this from Viviane—her cheerleader, her agent, herbusiness partner—but she had to do what she did. “Quite a bit. Shelby’s still an entrepreneur?—”
“Drug dealer.”
“Yes, fine. She still deals, but I flipped it from the rivalry between Shelby and her competitor…”
Mack propped the phone on the nightstand and paced as she talked. The speed of her words matched the wildness of her flinging hands. When she reached the climax and nearly knocked the lamp off the table, she flinched and sat back down. Ten minutes later, she described the finale as Viviane remained silent.
When Mack was done, Viviane stayed quiet.
Too quiet.
“Viv. You still with me?”
“Yes.” Viviane took several breaths. The moments ticked by, one by one. “The book sounds interesting, Mack. It really does. But this isn’t some minor character flaw or setting change. This is a complete departure from what you proposed, and what the publisher paid for.”
Mack sucked in her bottom lip. All the ballooned elation of finishing slowly depleted. Even though Viviane was right, what the publisher chose to do didn’t matter. She had made the best decision for herself and her future.
Viviane leaned on her elbows and brought her face closer to the screen. “You really believe in this story, huh?”
Mack nodded. “I really do.”
Viviane took a deep breath and paused for a moment. “Well, I believe in you. And honestly, I don’t know what the publisher will say. But this is what I know. I got you. If this is what you want, even if we lose the contract, I’ve got you.”
Macklemore’s latest hit thumped in the background as Charlie darted around Sugar Mugs, banged chairs on top of the tables, and mopped at record speed.
“Dude. You’re gonna break a hip or something,” Ben said while wiping the display glass. “Where’s the fire?”