Page 47 of Kindred Spirits

“It’s another toy for my collection,” he announced and wiggled his eyebrows up and down on his face. “Want to go try it out?”

“Mmmphf…” I grasped fistfulsof the sheet and buried my face in the pillow, wondering how I’d ever done all this myself. The camera was running, capturing the way Ghost was ramming the vibrating tentacle toy into my ass without a shred of mercy. I wasn’t sure yet if I wanted to upload the footage. That depended on how the last video did, and I hadn’t had time to check it yet. Still, if I had to go on the run suddenly, having cash in the bank would be a plus, and these videos were a nice side gig.

Not that I thought I’d be running anywhere anytime soon. If I left now, my problems would just follow me. Still, the idea had some appeal. It’d be nice to load up a van or an RV and hit the road, just me and Ghost against the world. ESCU would have a harder time tracking us then, especially if we only used cash. I could funnel the video money onto one of those prepaid cards and we could live on that, hidden behind a wall of usernames, pseudonyms, and fake IDs, crisscrossing the country.

Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. Hell, it wasn’t far from the life my parents had lived.

Shit, don’t think of that. Not now. I clutched the sheets tighter and panted, “Harder.”

There was a brief pause while Ghost shifted his grip on the toy before he did his best to follow my instructions. I winced at first, but forced myself to relax. I needed this rough distraction, needed the punishment and the pain to ground me.

I needed to get fucked so hard I couldn’t fucking think. Fuck therapy, I guess. It was as good a reset for my brain as anything else.

So I lifted my ass and panted into the pillows, letting an invisible tentacle monster fuck me with a vibrating glow in the dark tentacle dildo.

I tried to clear my mind of everything except what was happening to me physically, focusing on the little jolt of pain that morphed into pleasure every time he roughly shoved the toy in. Ghost was making it easy. The dude had a natural talent for this sort of work, which was probably odd to say, but not everyone was suited for it. He knew when to stop or when to slow down, but most of all, he was good at trusting me to know my own limits.

Finally, I started to drift away from all the worrying I’d been doing. My mind went back to the night before in the shower, Ghost’s glowing tentacle in my ass, more of him shoved in my mouth, in my cock… Fuck, why was I even using that stupid toy when I could have him? Don’t get me wrong, the toy was nice, but he was better.

I almost laughed. Bet that’d look insane on film. I could sell it as getting fucked by a ghost. Would that even come out? If it did, I could almost guarantee it’d get plenty of traffic.

“Ghost,” I panted and turned my head so my cheek was resting against the cool pillow. I could just barely make out hisshimmering form next to me, though I felt the way the bed dipped under his weight every time he moved.

His clawed fingers closed gently around my wrist. “Good?”

I could only groan in response because if I said anything, it would be to ask for him instead of the toy. That was what I really wanted.

But Ghost wasn’t having it. He stopped moving the toy, much to my frustration, and demanded, “Good?” This time, he was more insistent.

“No,” I moaned and felt him stiffen.

With a sigh, I rolled onto my back and carefully removed the toy, sitting it on the bedside table. My ass throbbed lightly, annoyingly empty, and frustration at not being satisfied made my skin itch, but I made myself get up to turn off the camera before plopping down on my back again. Ghost’s form shimmered back into reality next to me and I stared up at him, still trying to catch my breath. The bulb on his forehead was a dark blue.

“You didn’t do anything wrong,” I assured him, running my fingers through my hair. “Actually, you were almost too good.”

Ghost made a small sound in the back of his throat and stretched out on the bed next to me, a clawed hand over my stomach.

“I’ve just…” I sighed again. “I’ve got a lot on my mind, Ghost. I thought maybe this would be the distraction I needed, but I can’t get out of my own head, you know?”

He nodded solemnly.

As he lay next to me, gently stroking his claws over my stomach, I wondered if I should just tell him about Mozley’s plan. Part of me worried that he’d insist on going through with it though, and I wasn’t willing to put Ghost at risk. He’d been through enough. No, the only way we were doing this was if I let Mozley use me as bait. I could wear the tracker and letParker grab me. Then Mozley and his guys could follow Parker to wherever he was hiding and take him out. If they were fast enough, Ghost wouldn’t even know it’d happened. I could just come home and pretend like it’d been another day at work as usual.

If they were fast enough.

If everything went right.

If, if, if…

I sighed and rolled over. There were too many goddamn variables. Honor was right. It was a terrible plan, but what else was there? We couldn’t just ignore the fact that Parker was out there hunting Ghost. It was only a matter of time before Parker came for him. I wouldn’t be able to protect him forever. This was the best way to ensure that Parker got taken out. I had to do it for Ghost.

But if I told him I was considering it, he’d try to talk me out of it. Worse, he might try to take my place thinking he was protecting me. I couldn’t let him do that. No, it was better for everyone if Ghost didn’t find out about Mozley and Parker at all.

“Axel?” Ghost nuzzled his big head against mine.

“I’m okay,” I said and closed my eyes. “I just got a lot on my mind, is all. Usually, sex helps with that, but today…”

I opened my eyes again and found myself staring up at him. Something tugged at my heart when I saw the concerned way he was looking at me. I thought of how proud he was of the fish he’d caught, how happy he was. I couldn’t take that away from him.