Page 46 of Kindred Spirits

“That’s right. How’d you like to spend the whole day with me doing nothing?”

“Not nothing,” Honor said from the kitchen. “You’ve got some phone calls to make.”

Axel rolled his eyes. “Yes, Pop. But don’t you worry about that, Ghost. I’m just calling some old friends. They’re going to help us with what’s going on. I’d like to introduce you to them when they get here. How’d you like to meet my friends?”

I nodded excitedly, though I’d already indirectly met a few of them. It would be good to get a proper introduction except… I huffed out a heavy breath and lowered my head. “Scary.”

“They won’t be afraid of you,” Axel said gently and stroked a hand along my jaw. “Most of my friends have monster boyfriends of their own. And if you’re scared or nervous about meeting them, don’t be. They’re good people, especially Chappie. That’s why we’re friends.”

That must be true, I thought. Axel was an excellent judge of character.

I settled down on the couch with him to watch the boring show, which consisted mostly of people talking at the camera and smaller segments of recorded interviews. It reminded me of some of the old recordings Papa had shown me. They were boring stories about war, fire, murder… At first, they’d beenshocking to hear about how easily and often humans seemed to kill and maim each other—on purpose! And if they weren’t doing that, they were stealing from one another. I couldn’t understand why they didn’t all just work together for the good of their colonies.

Then Papa explained that humans didn’t live in colonies. Every human lived for themselves. They were selfish, violent, mean creatures that couldn’t be trusted. That was why I had to listen to Papa. He said he was the only one who would ever love me, the only one who would ever take care of me.

And then he abandoned me in the dark and in pain.

I looked over at Axel. Papa was a liar. Axel was different. Not only did he take care of me, but he took care of others, too. He was kind and generous. He wasgood. He wouldn’t leave me like Papa did.

And yet I worried constantly that he might go and never return. The strange cycle of thoughts had been churning around in my head all day, and it stayed at the forefront of my mind all through the program and dinner. It distracted me enough I almost didn’t feel the tension between Axel and Honor had returned. They must’ve had another argument. The mood at the table was almost as sour as the yellow fruit, though putting it on the fish didn’t completely ruin it.

Immediately after dinner, Ziggy started to volunteer to do the dishes, but Honor interrupted him, announcing they’d be going to the van. Axel didn’t seem upset in the least, and I was glad we were alone again. That seemed to relax Axel.

He taught me how to clear away the dishes, but decided we’d leave them for tomorrow to wash. Instead, we piled them in the sink and ran soapy water over them. Afterwards, he dragged out all the blankets and pillows again and I helped him rebuild the blanket fort, making a few minor adjustments to improve on yesterday’s designs. Then we crawled inside and laid on ourbacks, staring up in silence. There wasn’t much to look at except for the scuffed-up bottom of Axel’s table, but I didn’t mind. I just liked having him there with me, close enough to breathe in.

“This is nice,” Axel said eventually, leaning his head against my chest.

I huffed in agreement.

“You’re nice and cool. I’m almost comfy enough to fall asleep.” He stretched and yawned. “If only my mind would let me.”

I understood what he meant. Sometimes, after a long day of learning particularly difficult things with Papa, I found it impossible to sleep. I often found myself floating in my tank worrying about people and places I’d never seen, or trying to think of ways to make Papa happy. I didn’t have to do that with Axel. He seemed happy just being with me.

For now.

“Ghost?” Axel’s hand closed around my wrist and he looked up at me, his eyes wide and wet. “Are we…” He sighed and wiped a hand over his face before looking away. A stripe of pink slowly worked its way across his cheeks. “I know you said we were mates, and I understand what that means in the animal kingdom, but what does that mean for us? Are we just biologically compatible? Is that why you’re with me?”

I growled and closed my claws lightly around his hand.

He sighed again. “I don’t even know if you understand what I’m trying to ask. I’ve always been someone who falls too easily for people, and when I do, it’s fast and hard. I can’t help it. Life’s short and the world is shit. Why not love as much and as often as you can? I always forget how bad it hurts when things don’t work out until I’m on the other side and I…I don’t want to do that again.” He closed his eyes, sorrow and regret bleeding raw into the air around him. “Everyone I’ve ever loved has left me. I don’t want…”

With another growl, I curled an arm around his waist and pulled him tight against me. My tentacles slithered out and wrapped around him, too. “Ghost not leave. Ever.”

I could’ve said it with a recording. The words were there, lurking in my mind and within reach. Instead, I forced them out through my jagged teeth using my own rough voice. Some words were too important to let others say.

“I know you don’t want to. I don’t want you to, either. It’s just that…” He sighed again and folded his arm under his head. “Never mind. Let’s talk about something happier, okay?”

“Like fishies?”

Axel laughed. “Maybe.”

I suddenly remembered the box sitting out in the main room. That might cheer him up! I wriggled free of my mate’s grasp and scurried out of the blanket fort to grab it. When I brought the box back and handed it to him, he laughed.

“I was wondering when this would get here. I bought this the day we met. Well, the day we formally met.” Axel tore open the box and held it open for me.

I peered into it, sniffing the air, but I couldn’t guess what it was. He encouraged me to reach in the box. When I did, I closed my claws around something long, rubbery and covered in little bumps. Carefully, I drew it out and grunted when I saw it was a strange-looking tentacle covered in plastic.

Axel smirked and reached to press a hidden button on it. I let out a surprised bark and dropped it when it started vibrating in my claws. My mate laughed.