Page 29 of Kindred Spirits

I rubbed my handstogether and blew in them, waiting for Ursula to lock the door to the gym behind me. She’d told me a hundred times I didn’t have to walk her to her car at night, but I wasn’t letting a lady cross the parking lot on her own in the dark. Despite my earlier whining about needing a bodyguard, I was plenty capable of fighting off would-be evildoers on my own. As long as they werehuman.

I scanned the parking lot. The gym was located on the edge of a strip mall near, but not in downtown Munsing. We shared the space with a shuttered Radio Shack, a thrift shop, a martial arts studio, and a chicken place that I was pretty sure was a front for laundering somebody’s dirty money. I’d never seen anyone go in there. All the other shops were empty by the time the gym closed every night, which meant the only light was a single streetlamp in the middle of the parking lot. We’d walk through it to get to our cars, but we weren’t allowed to park under it. We had to park in the employee lot, all the way in the back.

With everything closed, the lot should’ve been empty except for the dead Camry that’d been there ever since I started working at the gym. It wasn’t. There was a conspicuous black SUV parked in the corner of the lot. The headlights were off, and the windows were tinted, so they were trying to blend into the shadows, but the vehicle was too clean, too nice for that neighborhood. It stuck out.

“Fuck,” I said, hugging myself. “Agents Dumb and Dumber are still here.”

Ursula turned away from the gym and tucked the keys into her pocket. “What do you want to do?”

“Well, I can’t go home without losing them first,” I grumbled. “And my truck is built for utility, not speed.”

“We have that in common, me and your truck.” She shoved her hands in her pockets and we started walking toward the employee lot.

I tried to act natural, so I didn’t alert them I was aware of their presence, but it was really hard not to glance back at them to see if they were following. Inside, I was panicking. What did they want with me? No one had ever really explained to me why ESCU would be after me, except that my genetics were different. I figured they probably wanted to study me, but I hadn’t thought a lot about it since I was a kid.

I thought about what they’d done to Ghost and felt a surge of anger.

And then I had another thought. What if theydidwant me for some weird monster breeding program? I shuddered. I was all in with the breeding kink, and even had my share of forced breeding fantasies, but it was one thing to fantasize about it to get off and something else entirely to have the possibility looming. My stomach churned, almost like I’d just been kicked in the balls.

“Axel?” The irritated way Ursula said my name told me it wasn’t the first time she’d said it.

“Huh?” I looked over and then down at her. In her white beanie cap and her leather jacket, she kind of looked like a really angry munchkin.

“I asked if you wanted to swap vehicles. You can take my van, and I’ll drive your truck,” she suggested. “That way, they’ll follow me.”

I frowned. “I’m not comfortable with that.”

She rolled her eyes. “C’mon. I’m a big girl. Plus, Annette is home.” She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

Annette was her girlfriend. Picture a lumberjack. Now make him a fifties housewife instead of the bearded dude. Yeah. That was Annette. A giantess with arms the size of tree trunks and thighs that could crush poor Ursula’s head. She’d gone viral on TikTok a while back for ripping a chunk of wood in half with her bare hands. I was a little jealous, but I was also pretty sure Annette could handle Agents Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum.

Still, I really, really didn’t want to put a friend in harm’s way.

“Do you even know how to drive stick?” I asked her, knowing full well she probably did.

She gave me an irritated glance. “I can handle a stick, pretty boy. Can you handle the pussywagon?”

I wrinkled my nose. “Don’t call it that. That’s weird. It’s a minivan with stick figures on the back.”

“Stick figures of cats.”

“Still. Stick figures.” I relented with a sigh. “All right. Fine. We’ll swap back tomorrow, okay? And you text me to let me know you got home safe.”

“Yes, mom,” she said in a droll tone.

We went behind her van to exchange key rings, out of sight of the SUV spying on us, and then I climbed into the van from the back so they wouldn’t spot me. Ursula’s van smelled likepine and vanilla cookies thanks to the air fresheners with an undercurrent of weed, which I sold to her on the regular. She also had a pair of yellow fuzzy dice hanging from the rear-view mirror. I shook my head and started the van up.

Some dark post-punk girl band started screaming over the speakers. I reached over to turn it off before fumbling around to find the headlights. After that, it wasn’t too different from driving in the truck. We pulled out of the parking lot, each going our separate ways. I slowed down once I hit the street, watching as the black SUV chugged to life in the parking lot and moved out of the shadows. It didn’t turn on its lights until it hit the street.

Be safe, Ursula, I thought in her direction.

All the way out of town, I kept checking in my rearview, expecting to see the SUV behind me. It never happened. Just to be safe, I took the scenic route home and wound up stopping by the old surplus store just outside of town.

I put the van in park and fished out my phone, pulling up the video I’d made last night. I’d sent both versions to my email so I could use a quick editing app to put them together. That took me about an hour. Once it was done, I watched the finished product with an eye for quality, or tried to. It was hard to focus while watching invisible hands move the toy inside of me and I wound up popping a boner. Because of course I did. I sighed and adjusted myself, trying to ignore it.

Fuck. Should I even upload this?I thought it was hot, but I was pretty fucking weird. Then again, most people were a lot weirder than they wanted to admit.

What’s the worst that can happen? I lose a few subscribers?It wasn’t like porn was a huge portion of my income. I did all right, but I’d never really had it take off. It was more a slow build sort of thing, believe it or not, like any creative field.