Page 30 of Kindred Spirits

And yes, making porn—even weird egg laying tentacle dildo porn—required some degree of creativity.

Before I could second guess myself, I put in a quick title and hit the post button before flinging my phone into the passenger seat.

My nerves were so raw, I thought about jerking off, but decided against it since I was in Ursula’s van. She’d be pissed if I jizzed on her upholstery.

Almost as if on cue, my phone buzzed. I picked it up to find a text from Ursula. It was a selfie with her and Annette posing in the driveway as the black SUV drove away. Another text appeared shortly after.


Crisis averted, but they were pissed. Obvs made it home safe. You takin’ care of my pussywagon?

I sighed.Think of puppies instead, Axel, I thought, starting the van back up.Sad, homeless puppies on the side of the road in the rain.That was a boner killer if ever there was one.

Before pulling back onto the road, I sent a return text.


Can't talk. Too busy drinking, driving, and having orgies in your van.

Don’t get jizz on my seats, and don’t get pulled over in my van. The rest is between you and your god.

I snorted. That was so Ursula.

I drove home in a much better mood than when I’d left. At least I wasn’t going home to an empty house for once. The idea of going back to my crowded tiny cabin in the woods should’ve filled me with anxiety, but it didn’t. I was looking forward to seeing Ghost again to hear what he’d done all day.

And yeah, maybe I was a little glad Honor would be there too. He seemed to know a lot about irqed, and I’d thought of morequestions to ask him while I was working out. Plus, it was nice knowing Ghost wasn’t alone all day.

I was worried when I pulled into the driveway and found the house dark. Honor’s van was still in the driveway, but there wasn’t even enough light inside to suggest the TV was on. Were they all just sitting around in the dark?

I locked Ursula’s van and hurried up the steps, unlocking the door. When it swung open, I found myself staring down the barrel of a sawed-off shotgun. My heart stuttered to a stop until I saw who was standing behind it.

I scowled and grabbed the barrel, pushing it aside. “Point that thing at someone else!” I growled at Honor.

He grunted and lifted the shotgun, pointing it toward the ceiling and stepping aside. “Thought youweresomeone else. What happened to the truck?”

“I swapped with my co-worker,” I said and paused, sniffing the air. I put my hands on my hips and turned to him. “You raided my stash?”

Honor shrugged. “I was bored, and I figured you didn’t want me and Ziggy fucking on your couch so…”

I cringed and eyed the striped cat monster as he plopped down on the sofa. Yeah, did not wantthatmental image in my head. “Whatever. Where’s Ghost?”

“He, um…” Ziggy fidgeted with his tail. “There was anincident.”

I spun on Honor. “What did you do?”

“Me?” he barked back, voice going defensively high. “I didn’t do shit! He just flipped the fuck out while watchingTransformers!”

“We think he left,” Ziggy said quietly. “Or, at least, he’s disappeared and hasn’t answered us. I’m not sure what upset him.”

I frowned.Transformerswas about as benign as you could get. I didn’t think robots shooting at each other would be upsetting, but maybe I was wrong. Putting the keys down, I went to the fridge in search of food. There was still one more bag of pizza rolls, so I grabbed it and a box of toaster pastries from the pantry and headed for the back door.

“Where are you going?” Honor shouted after me.

“To find him,” I replied. “Don’t follow me,” I added through the screen door, and shut the door behind me.

The walk from the rear of the cabin to the lake wasn’t that far, but it was freezing out. Temperatures had dipped enough that I wished I’d put on a pair of gloves. I probably could have, but I didn’t want to wait. I’d been looking forward to seeing Ghost again all day, and hearing that he’d gotten upset enough to flee… It made my chest hurt in a way I wasn’t sure I was ready to fully examine. I just wanted him to come back, and for things to get back to normal.

Well, our version of normal.