I shift the truck into reverse, but he runs up to my window, pounding on the glass. “Who was it? Fucking tell me!”

I shake my head and slowly push on the gas. “Please just stop. I have to go,” I cry out, hoping he can hear me.

As if the universe can feel what we’re going through, the sky opens up and rain falls freely, soaking him. His dark hair falls into his bloodshot eyes.

“Stop, Alissa. Don’t do this!” he yells while pushing his wet hair out of his face. He takes a step back, and I take the opportunity to hit the gas, flying backwards out of the driveway.

I stop in the road and shift into drive just as he runs toward my truck. I stomp the gas and leave him behind me.

I look into the rearview mirror to see him fall to his hands and knees in the middle of the road.

Anger and pain consume me, causing me to cry out. I pound on the steering wheel, trying to take out some aggression while the lines on the road blur together from the rain and my tear-filled eyes.

As much as I hate myself, I can’t help but feel like I’ve finally done something right for once. My life may be ruined, but his isn’t, and that’s what matters.

He’s free now.

He can go on tour and make a name for himself. He’ll be signed in a heartbeat, I know he will. He’ll go off and do big things. Things he’d never be able to achieve with me by his side.

* * *

I driveall night long and don’t stop until I can barely hold my eyes open. I pull into a rundown motel and pay for eight hours. When I open the door, his loss is felt the most.

Hours ago, I pushed away all feeling, causing myself to just be numb. But now, now that I’m not moving, it’s all catching up to me and crashing down, drowning me. I fall onto the bed and curl up into a ball, crying myself to sleep.

When I wake up, I push myself forward. I take a shower, dress, and get back into my truck, so I can run further away.

* * *

I endup in Tennessee and it seems like as good a place as any to stop. I’m tired of running. I need to find a place to settle down, get a job, and try to find some normalcy. Losing Dane will be something I feel for the rest of my life, but it’s just something I have to deal with. I couldn’t go back now even if I wanted to. I made him hate me.

I’m sitting in a coffee shop, drinking coffee after coffee, trying to numb my already fractured mind. The shop is busy and filled with many people coming and going and waitresses bustling through. A short girl with a tiny waist and black hair comes into the shop. She walks up onto the small stage and opens a guitar case that holds an old acoustic guitar. She sits down on the stool and pulls the microphone closer to her.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Laney, I’m here every Sunday, and I’m currently looking for a record deal if anyone finds one lying around.”

I laugh at her dry humor. What kind of sick joke is this?

She begins strumming the guitar, and the song she plays is some off version of “Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica.

Tears automatically fill my eyes. The way she sings the song is hauntingly beautiful. It fills my ears and makes my heart hurt even more. Dane’s face flashes behind my eyes, and I shudder from pain, from loneliness, from heartbreak.

I didn’t think it was possible, but I hate myself even more. He did everything for me, and I hurt him. I left him crying for me in the middle of the street like I didn’t care. He probably thinks I hate him. I wish I could tell him how much I really love him.

I zone out the rest of the song, and every song she sings afterwards for that matter. I can’t hear music. Everything, doesn’t matter what it is, makes me think of him. How he loved me and how I left him hurting.

“Hey, can I sit here?”

My head pops up, and I find the girl who was singing, standing next to my table, holding a cup of coffee.

“Yeah, I guess.”

She sits down and takes a sip while studying me. “What’s wrong with you?”

“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?” I shoot back.

She seems taken back. “What do you mean?”

“I mean, what kind of person asks to sit with someone that looks like they’re going through a mental breakdown?”