She laughs. “You don’t look like you’re going through a mental breakdown.” Her eyes look me up and down. “Are you dangerous?”
I laugh. I can’t help it. And it sounds strange coming from my mouth because I didn’t think I’d ever laugh again. “No. Not unless you count heartbroken as dangerous.”
She shrugs one shoulder. “Sometimes that can be dangerous. I’m Laney.”
“I know. I heard you say it on stage.”
“And you are?” Her eyes grow wider, and her brows lift, almost as if she’s reminding me of my manners.
“It’s nice to meet you, Alissa. Are you from around here?”
I cross my arms over my chest and lean back in the booth. “Are you hitting on me, because I don’t swing that way. My breakup was with a guy.”
“God, you’re kind of a bitch.” She laughs. “And no, I’m not hitting on you. You just looked like you could use a friend, but with that sparkling attitude, I can see why you don’t have any.”
“Well, I must look friendly enough to approach or you wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”
“Actually, I don’t scare easily. Lucky for you.” She grins, and her dark eyes light up.
“Why is that lucky for me?”
“Because I’ve been looking for a roommate. You need a place to stay?”
I lean forward and take a drink of my coffee. “I’m not sure. I don’t know if I’m staying yet.”
“Why’s that?” she asks, leaning in.
“I don’t know if I’m far enough away. I can still feel him.”
“So, I’m guessing he broke up with you?”
I shake my head. “No, I broke up with him. But it was for his own good.”
She takes this into consideration, sipping her coffee. “So, what do you say?”
“To moving in with you? You don’t even know me. I could be a psycho.”
“Someone who sacrifices their own happiness for someone else can’t be a psycho.”
I roll my eyes. “Well then, you could be a psycho.”
She points her long finger at me. “You’ve got me there. But my apartment has a great view, and I’m also a bartender and can make some killer mixed drinks. Sounds kind of worth it to me.” She winks her darkly lined eye at me.
I laugh again. “What the hell else am I going to do?”
She shrugs. “Well there’s this bridge that all the homeless people sleep under, but if you want a spot there you’d better get going. It’s first come, first serve,” she jokes.
I wrinkle my nose. “I think I’ll pass on that one.” I stand up. “Come on, show me where this great apartment of yours is.”
* * *
Laney showsme to her apartment and she’s right, it’s awesome. It’s on the ninth floor with a great view. Polished hardwood floors throughout, a big living room surrounded with large glass windows, a nice kitchen full of top-of-the-line appliances, and two big bedrooms with walk-in closets.
“Wow. How much is rent for this place?”
She shrugs. “I don’t know. My parents own it. They let me live here for free.”