Tripp cocks his head to the side, studying me long and hard. “Yeah, probably best you stick to that in the present company.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I try to frown, but end up wincing.

“We don’t know where Xander’s loyalties lie.”

“Excuse me?” Xander balks at his friend. “What the hell does that mean?”

“Itmeans, you’re related to the coach.” Tripp rolls his eyes. “And you’re a terrible liar, but if it makes you feel better, you’re better at it than the Boy Scout over there.” He points to me. “Besides, you’re trying to rebuild your relationship with your dad and keeping secrets from him isn’t really conducive to that.”

“My dad and I don’t talk about hockey, you know that. It’s one of our rules.”

“Yes, but what if he asks you point blank what’s happening with Justus and Luca?” Tripp challenges.

“The better question is why he’d ask me that in the first place. He wouldn’t, without reason.”

“And if he finds reason, it’s best you don’t know. Justus should stick to the roommate story where you’re concerned,” Tripp concludes with a satisfied look that makes my head hurt, and not because of the concussion, either. He’s basically argued both sides of the arewe/aren’t we discussion, and I’m too tired to make sense of his words right now.

“We’re not fraternizing.” I shake my head, trying not to let on that the sudden movement gives me a quick blast of dizziness.

A warm hand on my shoulder helps ground me. “Just know we’ve got your back,” Xander says softly, giving my shoulder a tiny squeeze. Then the two of them whoop over a steal Niko makes to put us back on offense, and I’m off the hook.

Chapter seventeen


Justus props himself against the headboard and pulls his earbuds out as I pad into the room, his warm smile doing fluttery things to my chest.

“You’re up,” I say.

“I can only sleep so much. How was practice?”

“Jace isn’t you, but he’s doing alright as a sub in the first line. I’m glad we only have one more game before All-Star Week though. You should be cleared by the time we come back from that break, and I’ll practice a lot better when you’re on the ice with me.”

“You didn’t do well today?”

“I feel a little off when you’re not there.”

“Really?”The way this man blushes is going to be the death of me.

“That surprises you?” I toss my clothes in the hamper and slip into bed next to Justus despite the fact it’s not quite dinner time yet, scooting close enough our shoulders touch. I know it’s silly, but it reminds me of the time a few days ago when we sat like this while I read to him, and I want to feel that again.

“Well, it’s just practice.” His arm slides along mine as he shrugs.

“We should always practice at a hundred percent.” It’s hard to keep my brows from drawing together as I take in his relaxed profile.

“No.” He shakes his head as another wave of red climbs up his face. “I meant you’ve never had to rely on your ritual for a good practice, so I’m surprised you would feel off.”

Understanding dawns, and as it does, I’m the one flushing with embarrassment. “I didn’t feel off because I fell asleep right after getting home last night. I felt off because I didn’t have you skating with me. You elevate my play, no sexual stuff required.”


“Yeah, I think I need it before games,” I rush on before I lose my courage, “and I’m too afraid of things going wrong to test whether that’s changed. But an even bigger part of the reason I’m playing so well is you. I feed off your energy the same way you feed off mine, and when you aren’t there… It’s not the same. It’s not as fulfilling. My connection to the other guys isn’t as authentic and…fucking magical as the one I have with you.”

“Magic?” He bites the corner of his lip, whether to stave off a smile or a laugh I’m not sure.

“Yes magic.” I give his shoulder a playful nudge with mine. “You and I are downright supernatural on the ice. Don’t deny it.”

“I’m not denying it,” he says softly. “I’ve heard about players having really intense chemistry, and it might be audacious to say this since I’m not them, but I can’t think of a single instance where two guys were in sync the way we are.”