“I don’t think there is one.”

“What does that mean?”

Sitting shoulder to shoulder, our arms connected down to our hands, my heartbeat kicks up as I let my pinkie finger trace the outline of his. Even more so when he doesn’t move away.

“I think it means we’re gonna win the cup.” Deep down I know it means more than that, more than either of us can admit to in our present circumstances, but I won’t say that out loud. It would be an admission that we’re breaking the rules Justus takes so seriously. Even though he knows just as well as I do that we’re fraternizing, the fact we haven’t labeled it as such means we can pretend this is still about my superstition.

Justus’s finger slides along mine, so softly I’d think I imaged it if I couldn’t see it. “Tell me what it’s like,” he says.

“Winning the cup?”

“Yeah.” He pushes away from the headboard with a coy grin and crawls over me until he’s lying between my legs, using my pelvis as a pillow as he stares up at me. My cock starts to swell immediately.

“What are you doing?”

“Getting comfortable.” He breathes a hot stream of air over the thin fabric separating his mouth from my dick.

I suck in a fragile breath. “Comfortable for what?”

“The story you’re gonna tell me.” Justus exhales again, sealing his mouth right. Over. My. Cock. Predictably, it tries to jump between his lips even though it’s trapped by my briefs.

“You aren’t supposed to exert yourself. Doesn’t that mean no sexy stuff.” I try to wriggle free, but he’s got most of his upper body weight resting on my thighs, and he’s too heavy to budge.

“I’m just breathing. You’re the one getting riled up.”

“Because you’re supposed to be resting, not sucking me off.” My dick lurches in protest, which makes Justus grin.

He traces a fingertip over my now hard length, looking up at me with puppy dog eyes. “I’ve been resting for days. The last two of which Tripp was here, and you know how much he talks about sex, which he thinks we’re having by the way.”

“So, you’re horny?”


“Doesn’t that mean I should be sucking you off?” I grin, thinking I’ve proved my point.

“You’ve got a game tomorrow.” He pulls the waistband of my briefs to the base of my cock to lick up my length, and every coherent thought in my head dissolves into a puddle of bliss. “Now, tell me about winning the cup.”

“While you—” He swirls his tongue around my tip and I groan, pressing my lips together to trap the sound

“Mm hmm.”

“Fuck.”My head falls back against the headboard as Justus laps at my slit, fissures of heat erupting along my shaft like tiny electric sparks that crackle and pop the way circuits do when they’re overloaded. “You expect me to concentrate while you’re doing that?”

He places a chaste little kiss on my slit. “I expect you to relive the memory while I help you relax.”

I’m not at all convinced things will go down that way, but I resolve to try since that’s what Justus wants.

I pull my left leg up so I can prop my arm on my knee, and refrain from squeezing my thighs around Justus’s head. The fingers of my right hand play with his silky hair as his lips cover my crown, and I sigh into the memory of the year we won the cup.

“The first thing that comes to mind is how grueling it was,” I recall as he leisurely pulls on my tip, using barely any suction. “The regular season is hard, obviously, but the playoffs…” I bite back a moan as his tongue makes a feather-light pass over my slit. “The game somehow gets faster. Hits become more ruthless. Goals are harder to come by.”

Justus draws me into his mouth for a long, slow suck, making my toes curl, then goes back to nuzzling my crown. I briefly lose my trainof thought, and have to inhale slowly to get it back as I try to ignore the urge to chase his lips.

“The aches and exhaustion you feel after a regular game are magnified by ten. After each game you think you can’t possibly play another in two days, but before that next game starts, the lure of the cup takes hold, and suddenly you feel invincible.”

A pair of adoring brown eyes meet mine for a mere second before they drift shut, and Justus swallows my length. My breath gets stuck in my chest as I wait for him to release me, the slow glide of his tongue as he pulls back is so mind-numbingly seductive, I briefly forget how to speak.

“Don’t you always feel invincible on the ice?” He slips his tongue under my foreskin for a soft little lick, and I swear I whimper.Whimper.