Page 77 of Lucas

“Perhaps you’re the one who isn’t listening,” Big John said.

“Lucas are you going to let this asshat tell me what to do?”she called out.

“No, ma’am,” he responded evenly, his gaze on her hand pulling the knife from its sheath.

He braced himself, his aim on the big guy.

Felina jammed the knife into Big John’s thigh, then ducked and rolled onto the ground.

Lucas pulled the trigger.The bullet hit Big John in the heart.For a long moment, the man’s eyes rounded.Then he slumped sideways in the grass.

Felina leaped to her feet and threw herself into Lucas’s arms.“I don’teverwant to have to wait in a closet while you’re being shot—ever again.”

He held her, his shoulder aching, but he didn’t care.He had Felina in his arms, and Big John was dead and wouldn’t terrorize or blackmail another soul.

He brushed the hair from Felina’s face and kissed her.“You might not be ready to hear this, but I have to say it.I love you, Felina.I think I’ve loved you from the first time I saw you helping an old man put flowers for his wife into his car.You’re kind, caring and a good friend to just about everybody.And you’re beautiful, sexy and an amazing lover.Please give me the chance to convince you that I’m sincere in my love and that I’m also the one for you.”

She touched a finger to his lips.“Slow down, cowboy.”

He kissed her finger and waited for her to speak.

“First of all…I know,” she said.

He gave her a crooked smile.“You know what?”

Her answering smile melted his insides.“I know what I know, and that’s just that I love you, Lucas.”

His heart filled with so much joy he thought it might explode.“How do you know?”

Her grin broadened.“I want to spend every waking and sleeping minute with you.Yours is the first face I want to see in the morning and the last one I want to see at night.I don’t like being away from you.I count the seconds until we’re together again.I like your corny pickup lines and the way you hold me.”She wrapped her arms around his neck.“Take me home and make love to me.”

“Third dessert?”he murmured, nuzzling her ear.

“Fourth and fifth, if you’re up to it after a visit to the ER.”

“I’ll be up to it.And I have some more pickup lines to try out on you.”

She pressed a kiss to his lips.“I can’t wait.”

“You’ll have to wait until the sheriff gets here to take your statements and book Thomas’s murderer,” Mrs.Crabtree called out.“They’re on their way.”

Lucas and Felina turned to find Mrs.Crabtree standing on the porch with Missy Thornbridge.The murderer’s hands were still bound in a zip tie.

“Please, reconsider,” Missy said.“At least wait to turn me in until after Colonial Day.I’ve worked so hard.I know Thornbridge Manor will win this year.”

“You killed a man,” Mrs.Crabtree reminded her.

“So?”Missy said.“Nobody misses him.”

“Why did you kill him?”Mrs.Crabtree asked.“Was it revenge because he dumped you?”

“Oh, hell no.I got over that.I only slept with him to learn his secrets about Crabtree Manor.”

“Is it all about our estates?”Mrs.Crabtree shook her head.“No house is worth killing over.”

“You don’t understand.You never loved Crabtree Manor like I love Thornbridge.It’s my life, my blood.My love.I’d do anything for her.”

“Even kill?”