Page 76 of Lucas

“Hey, yourself,” she said.“Can you move?”

He shifted his arms and legs.“I think so.”

“Then let’s get moving.”Felina held out a hand.

Lucas grasped it.She pulled him slowly to his feet and stood close while he got his balance.

“Where did Big John go?”he asked.

“Out of here.That’s all I know,” Felina said.“I think they’re going to burn this old house to the ground.”

Lucas headed for the door, opened it and stepped out into the hallway.

Felina hurried after him.As she passed Mrs.Crabtree, the woman held up the knife.

“You might need this,” she said.

Felina slid the knife into the sheath at her waist and hurried to catch up to Lucas.“Where are you going?”she asked.

“We need to stop Big John before he lights the match.”

Lucas fought for focus.The gunshot wound must have hit in a place that caused only minimal damage.He moved through the big house, searching for Big John and his assistant.

He found them outside on the porch, sloshing fuel across the wooden decking.He had the element of surprise with him.They would think he was still tied up in the master bedroom.

Big John hadn’t known anyone else was in that closet.Lucas was proud and thankful that Felina had remained in hiding until Big John and his partner had left them alone.

At first groggy, Lucas kept moving until his brain cleared.He hurried to a side entrance and stepped out onto the desk.Half-jogging, he headed for the front, where he hoped to stop Big John and his cohort from setting the house on fire.

As he rounded the corner, Big John was coming from the opposite direction.

Lucas was ready.He bent and drove his shoulder into Big John’s gut, not stopping until the man flipped over the railing and landed hard on the lawn.

Felina raced out to the man lying still on the grass.She tugged and pulled the zip ties out of Big John’s back pocket and used them to secure the man’s ankles.She was looping the plastid strip around the big guy’s wrists when he stirred.

Seconds later, he grabbed Felina’s hair and yanked her backward and into his lap.

“Let go of me,” she cried.

“No way,” Big John said.“You’re my ticket out of here.”

Lucas dealt with the other guy, slamming his head into a wall.The man fell to the deck unconscious, and Lucas took his gun.

Lucas stared out at the lawn where he’d sent Big John, and his heart clenched.

Felina gave him a tight smile.“I’ve got everything under control.”

No, she didn’t.John had her in his grip.He was big enough he could snap her neck with very little effort.

“Let her go, Big John,” Lucas pointed the gun at the bastard.“This show is over.”Though he aimed at the big man, Lucas couldn’t pull the trigger without hitting Felina.

“Not quite over,” Big John said.“Cue my grand exit with your pretty girlfriend.”

“I’m not going with you,” Felina said.

Big John pressed the barrel of his pistol to her temple.“Oh, I think you are.”

“You’re not listening,” Felina said.