Page 35 of Irresistible Love

It was late—almost after three—and Noah was losing the fight to stay awake. They’d dozed a few times already, but never for long. Right now, however, he could barely keep his eyes open.



“This is just for tonight, isn’t it?” It wasn’t a question, and he hated how accurate it was.

“I think it has to be.” He was holding her close, her head on his chest, their legs tangled together. “I don’t think it would be an issue while your parents are away, but if your father found out, there isn’t a doubt in my mind that he’d strangle me.”

She laughed softly. “Okay, I think that’s a slight exaggeration.”

“Trust me. It’s not.”

Kissing the top of her head, he was willing to just leave it at that, but she twisted slightly and lifted her head, clearly waiting for more of an explanation. Sighing loudly, he figured he might as well put it all out there so she understood why things had to be the way they are.

“Look, ever since the whole New Year’s Eve thing, your father has barely tolerated me. He wanted me fired—or at the very least, transferred to another branch of Montgomerys. The only reason I’m still here is because your grandfather and uncles stood up for me. But believe me when I say that almost every time he sees me, he just…he glares.”

She laughed again. “Is that all? Please, my father loves to glare at people. It’s kind of his thing. He likes to think he’s all big and intimidating, but he’s just a marshmallow.”

“Yeah, to you and your sisters,” he corrected. “To the people in the office he doesn’t like? He’s borderline terrifying.”


“Before they all left on this trip, I had to have a meeting with the four of them—you know, your dad, uncles…”

“And grandfather. Yeah. Got it,” she interrupted.

“Anyway, they put me in charge of some of their most important accounts. I was told how they all decided I was the guy for the job, and I flat out said—well…hinted—that I didn’t believe it was unanimous. And your father knew I was referring to him.”


“And…he didn’t confirm or deny that he didn’t want me handling his clients.”

“Okay, but ultimately…he did,” she reasoned. “You’re handling my dad’s clients and he’s allowing that because hedoeslike and trust you.”

Now it was his turn to laugh. “Trust me? In business, yes. Outside of the office? Hell no. Outside of the office, I am always going to be the guy who kissed his daughter in the middle of a family celebration.”

Groaning, Lily rolled onto her back. “For the love of it!Ikissedyou! And I admitted it to everyone!”

“And yet he either still doesn’t believe it or he’s pissed that I didn’t immediately push you away.”

She was silent for a moment before turning her head to look at him. “You know what?”

“No, what?”

“We’ve had a pretty spectacular night,” she said softly before looking over at the bedside clock. “And that night is almost over. I know you have to be in the office by eight and you need your sleep and all, but…”

Right now, he would be hard-pressed to say if he wanted the sleep or to make love to Lily one more time. She had certainly put his stamina to the limit tonight—even without the props she talked about on the drive over—but he was exhausted.

You have one night, you asshole. You can sleep anytime!

Okay, there was that.

She inched closer, resting her hand on his chest and tracing lazy circles around his nipple. “I’m not going to lie,” she whispered sexily. “I’m exhausted. But if this is the only night you’re going to give me, then I want every last minute of it.” Then she surprised him by moving over and straddling him. “I feel like this has been a long time coming and I hate that it’s going to be over soon.”

Reaching up, Noah caressed her cheek before letting his hand skim along her jaw, her throat, and over her breast before settling on her waist. “Believe me, I feel the same way. And if there were any other way to…”

Lily stopped his words by placing her finger over his lips. “Don’t, okay?” she said quietly. “I don’t fully agree with your reasoning, but I respect it. I would hate it if I were the reason you lost your job, but I think we both knew that this was going to happen no matter what. It started three years ago and it was inevitable.” Even in the darkness, he saw her sad smile. “I don’t regret this and I hope you don’t either.”