Page 36 of Irresistible Love

He shook his head. “I don’t,” he replied gruffly. “You have no idea how badly I wish things were different.”

“Noah…” she whined.

“Sorry.” There wasn’t anything left to say, but there was still some time left for them to make the most of. Lifting his hand again, he anchored it in her hair and pulled her down close and kissed her with every ounce of passion he had. Carefully, he maneuvered them until she was lying beneath him. Then he memorized every inch of soft skin. He touched every sexy curve. And loved her thoroughly enough to make sure she remembered this.

Remembered him.

There was no way to avoid seeing each other. With her back in Charlotte indefinitely, there was always the chance of running into each other, especially if she kept showing up at the office the way she had been.

But he couldn’t think like that. Once he drove away from this guesthouse, their time was over. After that, it was back to the real world where she was just the boss’s granddaughter and he was just a guy working hard to make sure he never had to live in poverty again.

For one night, he allowed himself to have this connection to a vibrant and beautiful woman—the kind of connection he’d never felt with anyone before and had a feeling he never would again. So, for a little while longer, he was going to enjoy it, soak it all in, because it was going to be over far too soon.


As she expected,Noah was gone when she woke up and if it weren’t for the soreness and the scratches in a few places from his scruffy jaw, she would have sworn it was all a dream.

A highly erotic, wonderful dream.

And dreaming was the only way she was ever going to get to relive last night because as much as she wanted him, she wasn’t the kind of woman who was clingy or demanding. His career was important to him and she meant what she’d said last night about not ruining it for him.

Climbing from the bed, she stretched and pulled on her robe. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that her father had been intimidating him, and if he ever found out about their night together, she knew Noah would lose his job. No amount of arguing would stop that. Even though she knew her uncles and grandfather would intervene, it would still be pointless. She couldn’t imagine Noah wanting to stay in a job where there was such open hostility.

Still…her father needed to unclench a bit because she was a grown woman who didn’t need his approval for the men she dated.

Or slept with.

The mirthless laugh was out before she could stop it. Unfortunately, she knew there was no chance the great Lucas Montgomery knew how to be anything but overprotective with her

“Ugh…why did I think coming home was a good idea?” she murmured, padding out to the kitchen to make herself some coffee. While it was brewing, she went in search of her phone. Her purse was on the floor in the middle of the living room where she’d dropped it last night, so she picked it up and grabbed her phone. This was how she spent her mornings—scrolling the news and social media while she drank her coffee.

“I lead such an exciting life,” she murmured as she picked up her mug and strolled over to the sofa to get comfortable.

Naturally, there were already a dozen texts from the girls wanting to know how her night was. The smile was already tugging at her lips, but she wasn’t ready to share anything with them yet. It was something very private and…

And that’s when she knew it meant more to her than she originally thought.

In the past, she never hesitated to share some intimate details of her sex life with her friends. But last night wasn’t something she wanted anyone but the two of them to know about. It was special—and not just because it was only for the one night, but because it was Noah.

She was about to put her phone down when it rang, causing her to jump. Her hand immediately slapped her chest, but she smiled when she saw her grandfather’s name pop up on the screen.

“Hey, Grandpa!” she said cheerily. “How are you?”

“Doing good, sweet girl! How are you on this fine day?”

“So far, so good. I just woke up, so maybe it’s too soon to tell,” she told him with a laugh.

Laughing with her, he replied, “Ah, to be young and carefree! I take it you had fun with your friends last night.”

That’s one way of putting it…

“I did,” she told him. “So what’s up?”

“After we got home from dinner last night, Robert and I made some calls and we have the names of a couple of doctors for you. We spoke to all of them and…”

“All of them? How many are we talking about?”

“Three. And I meant to text you their information, but I left it on the island in the kitchen. They’re all expecting your call. All you have to do is go up to the house and get the paper. Two of them can see you this week, possibly today if you’re up to it.”