Page 65 of The Devil's Saint

“You’ve seen what can happen, Lexy. People got hurt.Yougot hurt,“ he emphasized. “This isn’t a joke.”

I only agree because deep down, I know what happened was not a one-off. I’m not stupid. This is because of Eric and Saint and the shady shit they do for a living.

“Look, Lex. I know you are angry with him. You two have issues you need to clearly hash out, but don’t allow your anger with him to cloud your judgment and put you in danger.” His words are harsh, but his brown eyes are kind. “It’s just until we find out who’s behind all this. If you can’t do that for me or Saint, please do it for your mom.”

His emotional blackmail hits where it hurts, so I nod.

“Good girl. See you at lunch,” he says before lifting his hand to smack my ass playfully. “Now get to class and learn something.”

“Do that again, and I’ll cut your hands off.”

He belts out a laugh, and I roll my eyes, then remember that I’m meeting Jordin today.

“Actually, I can’t meet you for lunch. I’m meeting Jordin.”

His brows lift. “Fine,” he says sincerely in a tone I’ve never heard before.

“Hey, can I ask you something?”

He nods. “Fire away.”

“Do you believe what Saint said? That he didn’t know?”

“I know you have absolutely no reason to trust me, but I know when one of my brothers is lying. His dad is forcing him to do this, Lexy. That’s the god’s honest truth.”

“Good enough for me.”

“Oh, and just because you and Jordin have kissed and made up doesn’t mean that the two of you can sneak out of school the way you do. The days of skipping are over. Lucas is watching her, too.”

I arch a brow. “How do you know that?”

He gives me a cute little wink.

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Ohhh,” I reply with interest.

“I’m serious. Remember what I said. Stay within school grounds and close to other students. No walking around by yourselves.”

I begin to walk away, knowing I’ll be late for class if I don’t get a move on now.

“I will,” I call back, hiking my bag over my shoulder and readying myself for another day of learning.

My phone chimes in my pocket as I leave Bio class and make my way to meet up with Jordin for lunch.

Butterflies dance in my stomach, thinking it might be Saint, only to be disappointed when I see Colton’s name lighting up the screen.

Next time I get butterflies thinking about Saint, I’m chugging down another bottle of liquor so they drown.

I look down at the screen to see what Colton wants this time. He’s already texted me six times to “check-in” in the span of four hours.


As promised, I responded.

On my way to the gardens to meet Jordin.

COLTON: If you both need a shoulder to cry on...