Page 64 of The Devil's Saint

My fist punches the dashboard in anger. “That controlling, overbearing, asshole, prick, mother fucker!”

“Woah there,” Colton laughs. “Betsy didn’t do anything to you,” he says, caressing the car like it’s alive and I hurt it.Weirdo. “Don’t take it out on her. Save that for your controlling, overbearing asshole, prick, mother fucker when he gets back.”

I slump in a huff, crossing my arms.

“He had no right to take my keys. I need my car,” I argue.

“I’m just following orders, sweetness. Take it up with Saint when he gets back. Until then, just sit back, relax, and think of me as your fairy godmother for the day. You want a chauffeur-driven carriage?” He gestures to the car. “Meet Betsy. You want glass slippers? No problem. I’ll take you shopping,” he says, waving a black Amex card in my face.

“Where did you get that?” I ask, eyes widening. I’ve never seen a black Amex card before. You need to be a serious spender to get your hands on one of those. Something the little funds in my bank account won’t ever stretch to. When my bank tells me the balance is outstanding, they don’t mean it in the literal sense.

“It’s Saints. He said anything you need, it’s yours. Full princess treatment.”

“He’s going to have to do a lot more than that if he thinks he can buy his way back into my life.”

He laughs, “I’ll let him know that.”

“Please do. And while you’re there, you can tell him that I said the only way he can make me happy is if he uses it to buy a one-way ticket to Mars and never returns.”

“Spoken like a true lover in a tiff.”

“I am not his lover.”

“Uhm, sure,” he smirks, fixing his gaze on the road.

We sit silently the rest of the way to school, and I wonder how I can make it to my appointment with my therapist now that I’ve no car to get there and don’t want to cancel.

The school parking lot is almost full except for three empty spaces that no one would dare use. Saint’s, Caleb’s, and Colton’s. It’s unbelievable how they’re the only students with assigned spots. Guess money really does buy you anything.

We exit the car together, and I spot Christy leaving a royal blue Audi with several other girls, each one eyeing me with a look that would cut you in two. Colton’s eyes shift from me to them.

“Don’t worry about Christy. She won’t be giving you any bother,” he assures.

“I can handle myself,” I declare, returning her dirty look. “As long as she keeps her mouth shut about our family business, we won’t have a problem.”

“That I have no doubt,” he answers, and I turn to walk away, but he pulls me back, stopping me in my tracks.

“Before you run off. Let’s establish some ground rules to keep us both out of trouble.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Ground rules?”

“Yep, ground rules. Things you can and cannot do while Saints away.”

God, he really is one insufferable prick.

I arch an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

“We ride to and from school together. You don’t leave school without me under any circumstances. And when I text you, you answer straight away. Understood?”

What the fuck?

“Are you my keeper now or something?” I huff.

He holds up his hands. “Saint’s rules, not mine.”

“Then he can stick his rules where the sun doesn’t shine.”

Colton steps closer, keeping his voice low.