Page 48 of The Devil's Saint

“You deserve so much more, Jordin,” I admit, wishing I reached out to her sooner, instead of shutting her out and wallowing in my own self-pity. It won’t happen again.

Continuing, I ask, “If we decided to run. How much time would you need to have everything you need ready?”

“Two weeks should be enough for me to gather the money I need, but where would we even go?”

“I haven’t got to that part yet, but it needs to be far enough away that they can’t find us.”

Then it clicks like a bolt of lightning.

“The school trip to Rome. We could go and run from there.” I say excitedly.

“What trip? I didn’t know there was a trip planned.”

“You wouldn’t have known. The permission slips went out earlier in the year to allow those who can’t afford it time to save up. We could ask Mr. Jones if there’s spaces left.”

“And if there isn’t?”

“Then we give two people a bad case of the shits, so they have to pull out at the last minute. Simple as that.”

She laughs wholeheartedly.

“Let’s strike when the irons are hot and ask him.”

“Now? But what will I say to my grandfather?”

“We’ll think of something. Until then, convince him you’re agreeing to the loveless marriage as a mafia wife. That way, he won’t suspect anything’s a miss. We have nothing to lose if we don’t try,” I shrug.

“And what if he says no to the whole Rome thing?”

I stand, wiping the grass off my skirt.

“Like I said. We cross that bridge when we come to it. Let’s get on the program and take it from there.”

She nods, following me to stand.

“Let’s go find sexy ass, Mr. Jones.”

To our delight, there were three spaces left as some people had backed out of going on the trip. We both squeal in delight as we back out of Mr. Jones’s classroom, almost skipping down to our lockers, hand in hand, until we pass Georgina, Christy, and Mabel standing by their lockers. As always, snide remarks and dirty looks come our way.


Jordin stalls. “Just what we need,” she whispers, holding my hand with a grip of death.

“Just ignore them,” I tell her, pulling away from them. “We have bigger fish to fry today.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

“Isthatyou,darling,”my mom calls out when I enter the front hall and remove my coat.


“Can you please come here for a second?” she calls out politely.

“Where’s here?” I ask because “here” could mean anywhere in this house.

“Dining room.”

The scent of fresh flowers hits my nostrils when I enter the room. I love the smell of fresh flowers.