Page 47 of The Devil's Saint

I’d give anything to have a humanity switch like the vampires have in that show Jordin loves to binge-watch. I would have flipped that bitch off a long time ago.

“My grandfather’s an evil bastard. I hate him so much, Lexy. I should have known he was up to something that night. Before we went in, he warned me that no matter what happened there, I was to keep my mouth shut or face severe consequences. That’s why I didn’t protest. Too petrified of what he would do to me. I was a coward protecting myself when I should have been protecting the people I love all along.”

My stomach twists at her omission, and I feel like a total bitch for blocking her out these past few weeks when she needed me the most.

I place a reassuring hand on her jean-clad thigh where her hand rests.

“He’s never going to forgive me, is he?” she says in a strained voice.

“There’s nothing to forgive. You did nothing wrong,” I tell her to ease some of the pain, but she shakes her head, unbelieving.

“He blames me,” she whimpers.

“He doesn’t blame you, Jordin. How could he?”

“I wish that was true. If I weren’t a Maloti, then this wouldn’t have happened. We had a massive argument the other night. He was angry and said he was sick and tired of all the sneaking around. That he was tired of climbing through a fucking window every night so that he could be with me. I don’t blame him for feeling that way, but it’s unfair for him to take it out on me. It’s not like I want it to be this way, you know. I’m sick of it, too. He apologized the next day, saying he was just frustrated with the whole situation, but it’s not been the same every day since then. He’s so distant,” she says, sadly wiping a tear from her eye.

“Have you talked to him? Told him how you feel?”

“He said I’m overthinking it because he’s been preoccupied with helping Saint run the businesses and trying to find out who it was that tried to hurt us that night. Maybe he’s right. Maybe I am overthinking everything, but I can’t help it. Things between us feel different somehow. It’s like he’s slowly backing away, and I don’t want to lose him over this. This isn’t any random guy. It’s his best friend. Practically his brother.”

“There must be something we can do to stop this!”

“My granddad has already said that Eric being in jail changes nothing. He’s watching my every move like a Hawk. I can’t do what they want, Lexy. How can I sit at this engagement dinner your mom has planned tonight with our families? I won’t go along with it. I’ll die before I ever have to marry someone I don’t love.”

Engagement dinner? I didn’t know an engagement dinner was planned for tonight. Then again, I’ve been going straight to my room after school without speaking to anyone.

My eyes snap to hers. “I’d rather see you marry Saint than end up dead.”

Tears rolled down her pale face.

“I don’t want to end up dead either, but what else can I do? It’s either that or run away, just like my mother did.”

My eyes widen. “Jordin, I love you, but there’s no fucking way I will ever allow that to happen.”

“What choice do I have, Lexy? I refuse to be contractually bound in a loveless marriage. I knew the risks I was taking when I fell in love with Caleb. Knew the shit he was involved in and how he made his money, yet I was still willing to give all of myself to be with him. Because I love him. If my grandfather finds out about us, he’ll kill him. If Caleb tries to stop the wedding, he’ll kill him.” She cries. “What’s the point of living if it’s in misery?”

I swallow the lump in my throat, knowing my following words will kill me.

“Maybe in time.”

“Maybe in time what?” she scoffs sadly. “You think Saint and I will fall in love and live happily ever after?”

I shake my head, knowing that it will never happen.

“How can you even say that?” she continues. “There will never be a time, Lexy. Never! I’m in love with Caleb. I will never see Saint like that, no matter how much they will try to force us.”

“I know, I just…”

“I couldn’t do that to you either. You are my best friend in the whole world. I don’t want anything to ever come between us.”

I move quickly, bringing her in for another hug.

“We’ll figure this out somehow. Together,” I promise, holding her tight. “Eric and Ian are sneaky bastards. Maybe we should run. I mean, if they did this to you, then it’s only a matter of time before I’m next. No one can stop them.”

She breaks down again, holding her head in her hands.

“I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve you.”