Page 43 of The Devil's Saint

Guiltweighsonmelike a ton of bricks as I watch Lexy’s retreating figure, her steps heavy with hurt and anger.

I did this. I’ve spent too much time away from her instead of trying to fix us.

“Take it that didn’t go well?” Colton asks as Lexy disappears from view.

Unable to find the words of that cluster fuck of a conversation, I shake my head, joining him to sit on the window ledge.

I shouldn’t have gone in on her like a raging bull, but I was so fucking angry at her for leaving the house without telling me. Especially with a threat still hanging over our heads.

“Honestly, man. What were you expecting? Poor girls probably fucking traumatized. She’s never seen shit like that before like we have.”

My hands ball into fists.

“I need to talk to her. Make her see sense.”

His footsteps follow alongside me when I push off the ledge.

I can’t leave it like this.

Colton keeps his tone serious, stepping before me to stop me from going further.

My jaw tightens, and my teeth grit. Shrugging him off, I continue storming in her direction.

“Stop looking at this from your point of view and try to understand hers,” he argues before looking around and lowering his tone. “The girl was shot, for Christ’s sake. Which, by the way, was after finding out about you and Jordin.”

I stop dead in my tracks, my temper rising. “How many fucking times do I have to say it? There is no me and Jordin.”

“Yeah, I know that now. But like I said. That’s a lot for someone outside our world to process. We can brush shit like that off because we’ve seen it so many times. Lexy hasn’t.” He takes a beat before continuing. “Look, all I’m saying is that it’s probably best to give her time and space to get her head straight instead of going in on her guns blazing.”

Colton thinks he’s got it all figured out. He hasn’t a clue what it’s like to have a life that has never been your own. A life that was stripped away the moment you’re born into a family like mine. To have a destiny that’s mapped out and bound by duty. To be a prisoner to my father’s expectations and watch the one person that’s ever made me truly happy walk away.

It’s tearing me up inside.

My phone chimes, and I pull it out to see who it is in case it’s something important.

CHAINS: Where are you? We were supposed to be in the city an hour ago.

I curse at the screen.

“What is it?” Colton asked concerned.

“Chains. I’ve got a meeting in the city today with a potential investor.”

“You’ve been away to the city a lot these past few days.”

“I’m taking over all business affairs until my dad is released. I’ll be spending a lot more time in the city from now on to make sure things are running smoothly. We need to keep the money coming in.”

And I’ve no fucking idea how I’m supposed to do that now with Lexy running around unprotected.

“Shit. You need back-up.”

“Na. Unlike me, you like school,” I laugh. “But there is something else I need you to do for me.”

“Yeah, and what’s that?”

“Someone needs to watch Lexy. I can’t ask Caleb because he’s with Jordin and…”

“And I don’t have anyone. Got it.”