Page 44 of The Devil's Saint

“That’s not what I’m saying. I’m asking you because, besides Caleb, you’re the only other person I trust.”

He nods. “What about Jordin?”

I shake my head. “Caleb said Lexy hasn’t spoken to her either. All Jordin’s calls go straight to voicemail, and texts sit unanswered.”

“She’ll come around. She just needs time,” Colton says thoughtfully.

“So you’ll do it for me?”

“Nothing’s gonna happen to her under my watch.”

“When I say watched, I mean I want her under strict protection until I return. I wanna know everything. Where she goes, who she’s with. Everything.”

His brows raise before nodding in understanding. “Sure. I can do that.”

“I mean it, Colton. You don’t let her out of your sight.”



“I thought you two were just hate fucking to let out some of that pent-up aggression and tension between the both of you. I’d no idea that you two were… more.”

“There is no were.We are more,” I clarify.

“Does Lexy know that? Cause it sure didn’t sound like it from what I heard.”

My body tenses. I don’t wanna get into with him or tell him about our private business without her knowledge. I’m in enough shit with her as it is, so I keep it light.

“She knows how good this dick is.”

Colton laughs, slapping me on the back.

“Don’t need to tell me that. I’ve seen you in action plenty of times. Or have you forgotten about our Blindman’s Cove parties already?”

Chapter Nineteen

Withangersizzlinginmy veins, I headed toward my locker to get my shit and get the hell outta here.

I should have watched where I was going, but no. Just my fucking luck. What is it about this goddamn day?

“Not a fast learner, are you?” Georgina says, walking toward me with a face of pure hatred and fury, her bunch of minions following closely behind.

Ignoring her, I pull open my locker, shoving in the books I don’t need.

My locker door slams shut, barely missing my fingers.

Jumping back, I hiss, “You fucking psycho.”

She squares up to me until we’re toe to toe, and her sewer breath makes me want to gag. Dear lord, it’s foul. I almost want to reach into my pocket and offer her a breath mint before going any further, but I’m too fired up after my stand-off with Saint. I’m more than ready for this bitch.

“You want psycho? I’ll give you psycho.”

I push myself into her space, forcing her to back off slightly, letting my voice carry.

“Go on then. Do it,” I challenge.

“Back the fuck off, Georgina,” a loud voice booms from behind me. Colton.