Page 61 of His to Ruin

Lexy: I’m so sorry if it ruined your night. I still can’t believe he went off like that. Over one dance!

Me: You did nothing wrong.

Lexy: I’m going to have it out with him today.

Me: Are you sure that’s a good idea?

Lexy: I honestly don’t care anymore. If I have to lock myself in a room with him all day until he listens to me then that’s what I’m going to do. One way or another this shits got to stop.

Me: Just tread carefully. I’m worried about the way he was last night. He totally lost it when he saw you with that guy. It scared me Lex.

Lexy: I know. It scared me too. But I’m done letting him rule my life. Wish me luck bestie x.

Me: GL. I’m here if you need me xx

I open the message from the unknown number.

Unknown: Did you dream about me last night?

Unknown: Don’t answer that. I already know you did.

This prick.

Me: The fact that you think I dream about you at all is giving me too much credit.

The reply comes instantly.

Unknown: I dreamt about you. You were riding my cock all night long.

Me: There’s something wrong with you.

Unknown: Are you just finding that out now?

Me: No, I knew that from the moment I met you Caleb.

Unknown: Who the fuck is Caleb!!!

I throw my phone on the bed taking a step back like its laced with poison. No, it’s not him. It’s not. It’s just Caleb messing with my head. Right? He heard me mention Max’s name before and now he’s just using it to scare me. Shaking my head I retrieve my phone hitting the block button. Not today Satan, it’s too early for your shit.

As always Lexy is waiting at the end of the drive, pop music blaring from her car. I swear you could hear that girl before you see her.

“Hey,” I say getting in.

“Hey back,” She responds not looking at me.

“You okay?”

“Yep, that a new top? It looks good on you. You know I have one just like that in my closet.”

She knows this isn’t a new top because I wore it last week. Nice try though. When I didn’t hear from her for the rest of the weekend I knew she was avoiding the questions she knows coming.

“So, how did the rest of your weekend go after the party?”

“The house is still standing and Saints alive if that’s what you mean.”

“You haven’t managed to kill each other yet then?”

“Not yet. Soon though I promise. Just be ready to get a call from me in the middle of the night asking where’s the best place to hide a body.”