Page 62 of His to Ruin

I laugh. “Seriously, what happened after we all left?”

“You mean after he called me a brat, flung me over his shoulder like I was a petulant child, slapped my ass so hard it left a mark, then carried me to my room?” she finishes on a sharp intake of breath. “I didn’t see him again until our parents came home.”

“I’m surprised he didn’t bully you into cleaning the house for him. That place was left in a mess.”

“He knows he would have been told to go fuck himself. He’s either got some other poor sap do it for him or he actually did it himself cause when I came down yesterday morning it was spotless. Like so clean you could have ate your dinner off the floors.”

“Your house is always like that though. He probably had the housekeeper do it for him.”

“Yeah, but it’s more fun picturing Saint on his hands and knees scrubbing the floors,” she laughs.

“Maybe there’s a domestic side to Saint after all.”

“Who knew right. On his knees where he belongs.”

I quirk a brow when a blush creeps up her neck.

“You should have seen his face when mom and Eric came home and commented on it. I took all the credit right in front of him.”

“You didn’t”

“Yep, said I was just so bored without them I decided to do a spring clean. Mom was really impressed until she took one look at his bruised cheek from the fight and almost blew a gasket.”

“I thought you said he’s always in one fight or another. Isn’t she used to it by now with that one?”

“Not when the weddings two weeks away and he’s going to be in most of the photographs, front and centre with the rest of us.”

“Fair point. Gosh it’s that soon already?”

“Yep,” she says popping the p. “One big happy family,” she continues with sarcasm.

“I can tell. You’re practically jumping with joy,” I tease.

“There is one thing that might make the day a bit easier though.”

“And what is that pray tell?” I ask pulling the visor down to shield my eyes from the glare of the sun poking past the tree’s.

“That my best friend attends with me as my plus one for the reception.”

“Oh no, no, no. I’m not walking into the lion’s den alone.”

“You won’t be alone. The wedding ceremony will be over and all everyone will want to do is get drunk and dance the night away. Please Jordin,” she begs. “It’s going to be pure hell without you there. Just think about all that expensive champagne we get to drink. Which by the way I happen to know for a fact is Dom Perignon and Cristal,” she winks before turning back to look at the road again.

“Expensive champagne does sound appealing.”

“Umm-hum. So is that a yes?”

“I’m going to need to find a dress.”

“Once again your bestie has come to the rescue because I happen to have four brand new dresses hanging in my closet perfect for a wedding. So, what do you say?”

“I have to see the dresses first.”

She gives me a scathing look.

“We’ll see,” I say as we pull up to the school parking lot.

She gives out a little squeal in celebration even though I haven’t fully agreed to it yet.